Chapter 1

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The annoying buzz filled the room and I instantly felt like I could throw the alarm across the room.Being lazy,as usual,I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.Little did I know my snobby mother would be the second alarm.
     She,unlike I,had already went through her morning routine and then wearing a black skirt that was tight enough to show her curves out but loose enough for her to breathe.The skirt was accompanied by a white blouse that had money written all over it.Not literally.

"Wake up,"she said.As always,no emotions to spare for her only daughter, I guess.

"Yes, ma'am."I exclaimed as I immediately got up.That was the thing about my parents;what they said,went with no questions asked or requests made.
    I prepared myself for the day and wore my black trousers with a black shirt tucked into it.I very much lived for black because it gave me something I could actually say I'm accepted into.A warm feeling of belonging and confidence.

I looked through my walk-in closet and found a blazer that matched the trousers and shirt, then wore a tie with gold patterns around it.

"Heather, you will be late,"My father screamed from downstairs.I glanced around my room before I got out with a sigh, almost filled with relief.I was finally getting out of here.Yale seemed like a whole new beginning.
    Eating takeout for breakfast would finally end.My mom and dad couldn't have cared more about my grades.They always had their noses in these kind of things.I hated Economics but why had I done it?My parents thought that Economists have a better chance of changing the world, cancelling my scholarship for basketball.

"Do not you think you should dress like a proper lady,Heather?"mom turned in her chair to face me.

"You always say one who dresses for comfort and yet style is better than one who dresses to impress, ma'am,"I stated with a fake smile,"Greetings,sir."


"You learn well."My mother stated nonchalantly.I checked the fridge and took out my green salad,placed it on the counter and poured myself a sugarless coffee to go, which my parents and most deemed disgusting.

"Bye."I said, almost too excitedly.

"Are you sure you do not want us to take you by jet?"dad questioned.

"I will take my car,thank you."

That was it.I was finally free but thinking about the three hours I had to drive from London to New Haven didn't make things better.I sat in my black Ford Mustang and took a moment to reflect on my life.
    "I am calm, I am a star in my own sky."I repeated the words over and over again before I started the journey.

Luckily for me, I reached within two and a half hours.The place was huge and something about it seemed off.It was like one of those huge kingdoms in king-based movies.
    The guy I assumed to be the security guard opened the large gates and let me go through, sweating as soon as I passed by him and muttering,"Ma'am",loud enough for me to hear.

I parked the car in an empty spot and to my shock,a man that might be in his mid-twenties with jet black hair was waiting behind my car.
   Cautiously, I got out of the car,ready for the attack that never came.

"Good day,Miss Villains.May I show you to the big guy's office?"His accent gave me the idea that he was from France.

"Is this the part where I follow you out of curiosity only to be locked in a dungeon and totured to death for no particular reason?"I questioned.

"M. Matteo va souhaiter avoir couché suffisamment de temps avec cette fille,"He said to no one in particular.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I understand what you are saying!"I exclaimed.

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