Chapter 18

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The sound of something knocking and scratching onto the door made me jolt awake.Upon waking up, I realised it was just one of my dreams.

Ever since Matt found out about Evelyn, I'd been on high alert.The past week had been a nightmare, literally; I would hear sounds that weren't there,see things I did not see when I woke up.

"Are you okay?"I turned to see Violet rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands.

"Yeah,go back to sleep Vee,"I replied.

Everytime I'd wake up, Violet would wake up,too.She placed her hand on my shoulder to calm me down.The dreams affected me, and they affected me too badly.I was about to stand up to get water from the kitchen when Violet stopped me to go in my place.

She went to the kitchen and soon after, I heard a scream.I ran into the kitchen as quickly as I could and found Violet with a scratch on her neck,as though someone tried to make it deeper,the intention definitely being to kill.

"What happened,"I asked as I rushed to her and took her to our room to clean up the wound.Violet's eyes were a bit red and indicated the pure pain she was feeling from the cut.

I gave her water and covered the spot.It took a long while,but she'd finally regained herself and her breathing was normal, although she did look scared.

"It's okay,"I soothed,"Whoever they are,they left."

"She was here to leave a message for you,"Violet muttered with her head in her hands.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know.Some red head appeared infront of me and said I should tell you that it is any day from now and did this as a little "gift" for you."


"Violet, was the girl wearing leather stuff?"I raked my hand through my hair.

"Yes,"She said with a quivering voice.

"Violet, you're not allowed to leave my sight from now on,"I sighed,"Are we clear?"

Violet gave me a simple nod as an answer,of course with a glare.She hated being taken care of-or as she called it,being treated like a baby.

My mind was like a car with no brakes. The speed just kept increasing.The questions that ran through my mind were endless.It couldn't be.She wouldn't have warned me.She wanted me to drive myself crazy by being too alert for no reason whatsoever.

But why couldn't Violet fight her off?Was she that powerful?Is she foolish enough to warn everyone before she attacks them?

It was a trap according to me.A trap she wanted us to willingly walk into.I had to let Matt know what was happening as soon as morning came.I looked over at Violet and saw she was sleeping,one thing I was grateful for.

I stopped pacing around the room and went to place her feet on the bed and covered her with a blanket, joining her to try and get some sleep.Though I tossed and turned throughout the remaining time of night we had, I didn't feel tired, just disheveled.

I got up and made sure all the doors and windows were locked before going to take a shower.I wore simple trackpants and a T-shirt along with my favourite cap.

"Vee,"I nudged her shoulder.

"Go away,"She mumbled.

"No,wake up,"I chuckled,"I bought snow cones!"

"Snow cones?Where are they?"She bolted up.She playfully punched me on the stomach as soon as she realised it was a trick.

"Go take a shower."

"Are you saying that I stink?"

"Of course not.We have to go somewhere."

She huffed before going into the bathroom.I went to the kitchen and made breakfast.Violet was not done when I went back into the bedroom.

"Don't fall asleep in there!"

"Go to hell!"

I chuckled at her comment.Violet was always chirpy in the morning,that was only if she woke during her normal time or willingly.She walked into the room wearing one of my sweats and T-shirts.


"I like them,"She shrugged.

"They are swallowing you whole!"

"You know you like it."

"You look like a small bird in a huge nest,"I laughed.

Violet pouted as I kept laughing.She looked cute in my clothes but it was still funny how she was in the clothes.I gave her a plate of scrambled eggs,bacon and toast.As usual,she pushed me into the kitchen because she didn't want us to eat in the bedroom.

After everything,we made our short walk to Matt's office.Violet knocked and we heard a faint "come in" from the other side.Going in and taking our seats, I noticed that he still had heavy bags underneath his eyes.

"Greetings,"I said.

"Americans never brush up on you,do they?"

"The real question should be if I will ever brush up on Americans,"I added a wink to make it weird.

"The reason we're here,Matt and you idiot,"Violet said, looking annoyed.

"Lil' lady woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"Matt asked.

"No.Little lady woke up on the wrong clock of the bed,"I chimed in.

Matt and I started laughing at the stupidest and smallest things we said to each other.We might have disagreed a lot but it was only because I was stubborn and he could be a pain in the neck sometimes.

On the other hand, Violet looked like she was on the verge of punching someone or screaming her lungs out so I stopped laughing and cleared my throat,the smile then leaving my face when I remembered why we were there.

"So Matt,we have a problem,"I stated.

"I'm listening,"He gestured for me to continue talking.

I went on explaining everything that had happened in detail along with my thoughts on everything.The whole time that I spoke,Matt had his hands laced infront of him and his elbows on a table.

"What did you say you think we should do?"Matt asked.

"I think we should be at the ready incase it isn't just a trap but one thing I know is that she could be watching us as we speak.Even though we're being watched, I don't think she can stop us from finding her weakness.Something that will bring her to her knees or subject her to her own death.

Before you say she's immortal and can't die, I already have an idea.Evelyn wanted to wait till I'm older because she wants me to put up a fight.If I don't fight back,she might not be as strong,infact she might be weaker.That means the carithuns will be able to bring her down altogether."

"That is very smart but we carithuns have already tried that.We'll need another alternative,our powers aren't strong enough to defeat her,"Matt said.

"You want to give yourself up to Evelyn?"Violet asked,eyes wide.

"Violet, please listen to me.This is all worth it.It's my duty to do everything in my power to keep everyone safe,"I tried to calm her down.

"Matt?"She looked at Matt for help but he wouldn't say anything.

"No!You guys can't be selfish enough to throw her into her death.You're not doing it,"She stood up and faced me,"Do you have any idea what she wants?She wants you dead and she doesn't care as long as it's in her hands.The same people you want to protect don't even care if you die or live!"

By then, Violet had tears rolling down her face and her eyes were red.I knew I had to convince her,for if I did not,every mortal carithun dies on the day of the attack.

We have to be ready.

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