Chapter 11

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The two kids walked hand in hand while bouncing.The blonde little girl was wearing a simple violet dress and looked to be about eight years while the other was wearing khaki track shorts and a brown T-shirt accompanied by brunette braids, looking to be about nine or so.

Their little bouncy walk thing was interrupted by the brunette stepping on the blonde's foot.

"Seather!I told you to walk properly!"The blonde stated,pissed.

"I'm sorry Vee."The brunette said, wanting to cry.

"No,no Seather! Don't cry, it's okay."

They both hugged each other and smiled.The brunette,Seather kissed the blonde,Vee on the cheek and they giggled at each other.

"I love you Seather."

I woke up drenched from all the sweat.I could have sworn I've gone through it all.The name affected me more than anything.Considering that Violet was always talking about a Seather being brought back to her.

I went to take a quick shower and got out after a good half an hour.The moment I checked the time, I knew that it was one of those seasons I'd get weird dreams and wake up early.It was still seven o'clock and I was already showered.

I wore track shorts and a simple T-shirt along with my Nike Air Jordan 1.I liked mismatching socks so I simply wore a navy sock on the left, black on the right and looked in the mirror.

"You don't need a mirror,you look good."

I almost jumped at the voice-almost.I turned to find Violet nearing me.She then held me by the shoulder and turned me towards the mirror.

"You changed a lot but you're still you."

Violet stood on her toes and leaned her chin on my shoulder to get a more clear view, careful not to touch my not-so-painful arm.

I simply stood there,frozen in my spot.Her touch made me feel little tingles on my skin and I felt cold the moment she detached herself from me.

"Mismatching socks,"she smiled,"I'm going to freshen up and then we'll be good to go to London and come back before your trainer comes."

I kept looking in the mirror and didn't even notice when she left.My mind travelled back to the brunette in my dream.She wore mismatched socks,had braids and looked half black-half white but that didn't mean any thing.

Before I knew it, Violet was back.I lounged on my bed and decided to bother Bryan by giving him a wake up call.

"Hey, idiot,"I said.

"Stop fucking with my sleep Heather!"

"You can't still be asleep Bryan."

I could not pay attention to what Bryan said next as Violet choked on God knows what.I swiftly got up and ran to her side, rubbing her back.Her breaths were ragged but became normal after a while.

"Are you okay Violet?"

She nodded and I handed her water before going back to my call with Bryan.

"Why are you even awake,dude?"

"Don't call me dude.I am no inexperienced cowboy bro."

"You don't got to be literal with everything idiot!"He chuckled.

I looked up to see if Violet was really okay only to find her gone.What is wrong with her?I couldn't help but think about it for some odd reason.She had coughed the moment I mentioned Bryan's name.

"Bro,you still there?"Bryan asked with worry lacing his voice.

"We'll talk, there's something I gotta do,"Before I hung up, I remembered something,"I'm coming to London today so I might just pass by."

Bryan just said sure and I hung up, standing up.I called out for Violet once and heard a slight "In here" before going into our living room.It was a simple yet homely decorated type.
    Two brown couches sat across each other,the coffee table in between,a flat screen on the wall and a table lamp placed on the stand underneath the Tv.

I had rarely used the other rooms since I got there.Mainly because I didn't understand the idea of having the bedroom come before any other room,it was just confusing and weird.

I went on to the little kitchen to find Violet looking through the fridge, still in the damn towel.Not to sound bad, but Violet's legs...

"Go get dressed,"I simply said.

"I'm hungry,"She turned around and I avoided looking directly at her.

"I'll make something, just go get dressed."

She got out of the room and I went on to taking out everything,making pancakes and making sure the coffee machine was working fine.

Violet walked in after I had all the pancakes on a plate, dressed in a simple navy dress and her blonde hair still a mess.She had on a pair of really nice black Converse junior CTAS.

"I don't know what to do with my hair,"She said in a cute baby voice.

"Sit on the couch,"I instructed.

She followed my orders and I handed her the plate with pancakes and a bottle of syrup along with a can of whipped cream.
   I grabbed a brush and everything I'd need from our room and my other hair products.

After about half an hour of twisting, curling and braiding, I'd finally mastered the feather.The hairstyle looked good but she had made it look better.

I held up a mirror to show her the amazing job I'd done.I had finally found a way to show her the back after some time and her reaction was priceless.

"Get out of here!"She gasped,"How the hell did you do this?"

"It's a secret,"She gave me pleading eyes,as though telling me that she needs to know,"Fine I'll teach you."

As she stood infront of me in the kitchen, I got a sense of déjà vu.I got rid of all thoughts while Violet and I fixed everything before going out.

The ride back to London was silent.It was the kind of silence that makes it feel like everything is settled,not the utter kind that makes the atmosphere tense up.

Upon reaching London, Violet had to force me out of the car and into my parents' house.We were then sat on the couch with dad smiling from ear to ear.For some odd reason,the fact that I agreed to the hunt had made him very happy.

"Go and put this on!"Dad exclaimed,handing over some blue coveralls with leather gloves.

I quickly went to my room, noticing the hole from last time was gone.I put the coveralls on along with the gloves.I descended down the stairs and simply left with dad.He had already worn everything and was very excited if I hadn't mentioned.

We stopped at a very dark forest.I got out of the car and faced dad.

"What are we looking for?"

"Your powers are general so I bet anything will do just fine, but only wild animals."

This should be fun!

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