Chapter 15

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Three months later...

I looked up to see him transforming the water I'd thrown at him into ice and sending it back to me.Immediately, I melted the ice blocks and let it splash on me.It was the one thing that told us that training was over.One of us between the trainer and myself had to end up either drenched,fired at or anything.

Violet came to me laughing her ass off while fist bumping Ben,my trainer.I looked at the two, knowing that this was going to go on for miles.

"I'm starting to think that you're letting the water come at you on purpose,kid,"Ben said.

After their mini laughing party, Violet and I said bye to Ben and went back to our dorm room.I went on to change and joined Violet in the living room, having her lay her head on my shoulder.

"Heather?"She spoke so softly that I could've missed it if I moved even a little.


"I know you don't want to talk about it but why do you hate Freya and Henry so much?I know that they're somewhat bad people but..."I cut her off.

"Violet,my parents aren't what they show themselves to be.They are ruthless and controlling.I know now they are just claiming that they did everything because they wanted the best for me but it's not the case.

It was a house filled with fire that's..."

I looked at Violet,who had frozen at the mention of a fire.Gaining my memory a bit slowly had made it less confusing for me when stuff pertaining to my childhood AKA past were mentioned.

A month ago, I woke up to a dream that had shown my house on fire, but I was still a child.Violet and I had been chasing each other around the house when Violet knocked off the lamp and it had fallen onto the curtain.

The worst part was that I'd gotten into the bathroom while Violet gave up and went downstairs.I was hiding when I suddenly felt hot and saw the fire,but I couldn't come out.Apparently, I'd inhaled too much smoke by the time the fire was put out and it had already messed with my brain.

That was about the time Violet was taken away.It turned out that there is a book of laws for carithuns and there was a chapter that stated that,"A carithun whom endangers is a carithun who learns the hard way."

Since they had found the source of the fire,they somehow learned that she was the one who knocked over the lamp,which made her seem dangerous to the authorities.

Violet told me that since that day,the first thing that came to her mind when fire was brought up was that incident.She blamed herself and nobody seemed to be able to convince her otherwise-mainly because they only made it worse for her.

"Are you okay?"I asked with genuine concern.

"Y-yeah, just..."

I got her some water and sat down, making her lie on my lap after drinking the water while I caressed her head.Before I knew it, Violet was asleep and I used all my strength to carry her to bed.

Considering Violet's fear and my nightmares, Violet and I had put our beds together in case one of us flipped out.I carefully placed her on the bed and went to the kitchen to make something for the both of us for when she wakes.

Violet, unlike I,had the advantage of being a light sleeper and not sleeping like a dead.She could watch out for anything even in sleep while I could even get abducted without waking up.

"It's not that hard,"Violet said while laughing.

"I'm telling you,it is,"I argued,"I mean what the hell do you do to win?Do you make a twelve,ten...What?"

"You feel in the squares with the numbers one-to-nine!"she counters,"but you can't have duplicates in a block."

"I hate numbers.That doesn't even make sense.This game is for old people."

"I'm not old and,"She turned to face me,"What do you like,then?"

"Basketball, painting,racing and,"I thought,"You."

"There something you're leaving out?"

"I don't..."

Violet stood up before I could finish and started searching my drawers and closet which had me nervous because there was something I didn't want anyone to know about.

It was sort of weird and I've had it since I could remember.Pun unintended.The idea that it was weird was given by my family and my,"I wanna look cool" era.

She may have taken time but she found it.Violet came and sat next to me on the bed while placing the book in my palm.

"Your first night here, you went out into the night, I watched how you lied on the grass and blended in with the night with your dark clothes.I also noticed how you just lost yourself in scribbling away in this book.

You don't like talking about your feelings but you express them in a way that touches our hearts.Be it confusion,anger, sadness, happiness or love.Those poems tell a story in just a few lines."

"Do you believe in love?"The question shocked me as much as her.


"Do you believe in love,Violet?"I repeated.

"Well,"she breathed,"Yes."

"I don't think people can genuinely love,"I looked at the book in my hands,"I don't know what love is."

Violet pulled me closer to her and kissed me.For a while there, I had been in a daze but I responded after a while.She pulled away and looked me in the eyes for the longest time.

"I can teach you,"She countered.

I pecked her on the forehead while stroking her cheek and looking into her eyes.I could look into her eyes for the longest time.It brought a smile to my face knowing that I grew up alongside her.I might have not liked her one bit when I first met her in Yale but what the hell.

"I would definitely like that,"I smiled at her.

The rest of that Saturday was spent with endless jokes and good movies.Then it hit me.Evelyn hadn't shown up in three whole months.I knew of a possibility that she's still watching me while thinking of a plan.

Whatever Evelyn was planning was meant to be humongous.It would be like a world war lll which I wasn't sure I was ready for.I knew not to underestimate one and I was not about to underestimate her just because of the gibberish she speaks.

I will be ready.

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