Chapter 6

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Bryan and I picked everything up and made a run for it, to our cars and drove away.I was driving behind Bryan when I saw a car following us.I accelerated and was now side by side with Bryan.

I communicated with Bryan a bit with my eyes as I kept switching my eyes from him to the road to the rearview mirror.After some time, Bryan had gotten what I meant and nodding my head, I turned right and he turned left.

Unlucky day it was for me since the guy didn't stop but chose to follow me.I kept turning corners, thinking he'd lose me.His BMW M240i was fast, I bet a 100mph at the moment.

Me being me, I had an idea and waited for the right place to initiate it.I had been driving for half an hour and was getting tired so I did it.

I drove my car into the racers' court,not caring that it was not a race car and I saw the guy's car going straight,bet he didn't expect that.

I got out using the other exit and drove to the gas station.Getting a 92 of full tank, I texted Bryan hoping he'd answer.

He answered right away and soon enough I saw him pull into the gas station.I got out of my car and headed towards his car as he opened up the window.

"That was fun!"He exclaimed.

"Speak for yourself, I had to drive for half an hour while hungry so the only delight would be if that guy's gas is done."

He searched something in the backseats and handed me two number plates which I gratefully took, going to change the old ones.He had already changed his.

I got into my car and drove back to Kensington.As soon as I got on Farleigh Road I went to Tiffany's Club.It was rated four-point-three stars for their good cooking.Bryan and I had our...we can call it dinner because it was already past five.

Bryan suggested we go to the club at around eight and so we went.I was just glad that Bryan was able to help me clear my mind even without knowing it but I was still thinking about it from time-to-time so getting drunk didn't sound bad.

I really never drank.I was accustomed to drinking half a glass of scotch or wine only on occasions such as business parties when my parents asked me to replace them.

We got into the club and some guy approached us, greeting me and dragging Bryan away as Bryan mouthed an apology.I guess they already knew each other.

I went to sit on the bar, pondering in my thoughts.I didn't realise that I'd spent a lot of time lost in thoughts until the young man behind the bar snapped his fingers in front of my face.

He was brunette with neck length hair and looked to be about three years younger than me which meant sixteen.He was not short nor tall but I was definitely taller than him.

"May I get you anything...uh..."He looked me over and I already knew what he was thinking, like most people.

"Female,"I stated, rolling my eyes at his obviousness,"Your strongest scotch."

He then made his mouth into an "o", clearly taken aback and turned around, looking over the drinks until he found one and poured it into a glass.I took it and gulped it at once, letting it burn my throat.

After the fifth glass,the kid decided to start giving me drinks that were less strong.I drank till I couldn't even stand properly.

At that moment, standing outside my car, holding the keys which I didn't know how to use, I felt the need to call my parents.The phone was answered by the sweet and angelic voice of Violet.

"Who's "care-bear"?"She questioned.

"This is... please pick me...Viola..."I started, trying to remember where I was.

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