Chapter 12

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I had the "gun" at the ready.I was supposed to use my powers on whatever wild animal I would be able to hunt down.The hunting part was exciting but the eating part? Not so much.

I stood very still amidst the bushes, trying to listen to sounds when my stomach decided to growl.I ignored it and kept waiting.

Soon enough, I heard a cracking noise from the left and stealthily walked to the left.I saw an ear peaking out from where I stood and kept going in that direction.

I didn't know that jungles had wildlife.

I hid behind a tree and took a peak.An Asiatic Lion.I had to kill and eat an Asiatic lion.

"I can't believe this!"Dad exclaimed,"How did you even do it?"

"I don't know,"I said, uninterested,"We seriously taking this home?"

"Not all of it.You should just be taking a small piece but I think I might store more pieces."

"Why?"I made a face.

"Once you taste it, you'll know why."

He kneeled infront of the animal with a pocket knife, cutting out a few pieces.Dad took a lot of pieces and stored in the plastic bag.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't hate the smell of its blood and the claw marks it had left on my face when I was trying to kill it.Using and controlling powers was surprisingly hard.

"Let's go,"Dad pulled me out of my little trance.

I took off the coveralls and gloves then got in the car.Dad soon joined me after placing the plastic bag in the backseat.

The drive back home was an akwardly silent one,same as when we went.knowing as my parents and I always argued when I opened my mouth, I kept it that way.

"How'd you go?"Was the first thing mother said upon seeing me.

"Are you hurt?"That was from Violet.

I looked at the two ladies in front of me, thinking about how predictable they were.Violet being worried about my well-being and Mrs Villains about whether or not I succeeded.

"Went well ma'am,"I smiled at Violet,"Just a really cool scratch from the Asiatic lion."

"You're an idiot,"Violet scolded.

From the corner of my eye,I saw my mother frowning while looking at me.I simply ignored it and went back to the parked car in the driveway to get the plastic bag when I saw a shadow behind the car.

I went to check and came up with nothing but a peculiar wind gushing on my face.On the same spot I'd seen a shadow,I saw a bracelet on the ground and picked it up, putting it in my pocket then going back in the house.

"Violet and I got to go for a while,I have someone I wanna introduce her to,"I stated after placing the plastic bag in the kitchen.

"Who is it?"The blonde questioned.

"Just a friend of mine."

I did not wait for her answer but gently dragged her up, out and into the car.I sprinted to the other side and drove to Bryan's.Looking at Violet, she was frozen in her spot.

"Are you okay?"

"What?"She snapped out of her trance,"Oh!Yeah, I am."

"Shall we,then?"

She nodded and I got out of the car with her doing the same, reluctantly.I took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, standing on the porch with her.

I opened the door with my spare key then entered with Violet.

"Bro?"I called out.

"Heather,honey,is that you in there?"I heard Bryan's mother say before she appeared in front of us.Both the ladies were frozen and looking at each other with tears in their eyes.

"Bryan!"I yelled, actually scared out of my pan...well,shorts-again,not literally.

Bryan came rushing down and was about to come closer before he also froze in his spot, looking at Violet.



Both Violet and Bryan muttered a little under their breathes.I looked from Violet,who was then crying to Bryan,who was walking towards Violet.

Are they both really brother and sister?

"Bryan, what's going on?"

Bryan was about to answer when Violet ran to him and hugged him, crying onto his shoulder.I looked over at Ms Wright and she was shaking her head at me.

"Please tell me that this isn't happening Heather."

"W-"I was cut off

"Of course!You wouldn't want to see my face!"

Violet turned to face Ms Wright, wiping away her tears in the process.Anybody could see the fire in her eyes,the venom,anger, sadness and disbelief in those violet eyes.

"Remember how you helped them, mother?"Violet neared Ms Wright .

"I didn't mean for it to happen.You know I had no choice but..."Ms Wright was cut off.

Ding! We've reached the highest score of cutting people off in one morning!

I should literally not have been thinking about random things like that but my brain had the tendency of wandering to a totally different place.

"You made me change my last name, separated me from my own twin and took away my rights as a Wright!"Violet spoke with tears pricking her eyes,"Only to tell me that you didn't have a choice? Really?"


"Do you know what I felt like ten years ago?No? I'll tell you.I felt like an outcast in New Haven.You allowed them to give me away to a family you yourself didn't trust.Guess what,they got to enjoy throwing words at me.

But they weren't nearly as bad as the one I was taken to a year later in Texas.I never fit in at school,in those families, I never fit in anywhere.What was their reason for taking me away?"

By then, Violet was full-on crying that her breath became ragged.Bryan, however was fuming and for some reason I was also feeling quite mad myself.

I started thinking a lot about it when something clicked, making me sit on the couch.

Am I Seather?Was that Violet and I in my dream?

I had always ignored the encounter with my parents since they met Violet.They had known each other quite well, almost like old friends.Whenever they spoke in riddles, I'd push it back.I remembered something about memory loss.

I didn't remember nine years of my life.I was pretty sure that they were talking about me but I had the tendency of pushing things to the back of my mind because I didn't want to face the reality of it all.

If I had really gotten it straight,it meant that I had lost my memory ten years back and...

"Ouch!"I groaned as my head started to throb and there were certain screeching noises in my head,which added to the pain.

"Heather!"I could not decipher who had called out my name for all I saw was white figures.

Naw,naw.... don't hate on me.

I like books with plot twists and unexpected content.Sorry if I'm rude buh if y'all were expecting a cliché, straight to the happy ending book, this ain't it so...ya know what to do.

Please vote cause I'm 15 and I'm trying a lot here.Nobody be perfect

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