Chapter 9

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I thought I'd get a peaceful rest but when I entered the college cafeteria, I was dragged to a table by Lizbeth.I didn't have the energy to fight it.

I sat down at the table to which I was dragged.There sat two clowns, not to forget the clown behind me.The only guy at the table being Chad,whom was glaring daggers at the two clowns.

Lizbeth sat down, between Chad and I,her eyes never leaving me.In the name of being analysed, I hated it.

"Why can't you go out there and make friends like a normal kid?The only friend you have is Bryan!"

The words that echoed in my head made me yearn for a little normalcy in my life,hence I'd decided to stay with them,to honour my parents' wishes of me being less a jerk than I was to people.

"It's called a cafeteria for a reason,you know?"Was the first thing that left my mouth.

"Got jokes."Chad said while laughing.

I frowned.I was getting hungrier by the minute and didn't want to stay there.I stood up and went to get food.The lady behind the counter spoke.

"Buenas tardes,que quieres?"

"Hola, ¿puedo darme dos hamburguesas sin queso con granizado, por favor?"

"¡Ya viene!"

I waited for around five minutes before I saw a tray being pushed towards me.I took the food,paid the lady and went to sit down.

I knew I must have sounded weird speaking Spanish.People always said they could tell by my accent that I was from London.Yes, I knew a lot of languages but the accent remained no matter which language I spoke.

"You zone out a lot?"Chad asked.

"I'm sorry.What?"I replied.

"So, have you tried the origin of our meal as carithuns?"Lizbeth questioned,"Disgusting at first but you'll get there."

"What's that?"

"According to tradition,you have to hunt in the human realm first then eat it right then and there,but a lot of us didn't eat it on the spot."

My stomach grumbled.I looked down at my tray, untouched.Suddenly, I wasn't hungry at all.I wanted to punch these clowns for talking about stuff like that while I was about to eat.

They are a lot like springs.Touch them once and they hop on.The two other clowns just kept sitting there and blinking with smiles that looked plastic.

I guess my appetite is insatiable.

I zoned the clowns out, which was always easy to do when annoyed.I started munching on my food when screams erupted in the room.It was as though a huge force had jabbed my insides.

There was a faint sound I couldn't quite decipher and looking around me,most people were down on the ground.

The screeching in my head went on and I couldn't bear the annoying sound.Gritting my teeth, I blocked my ears since the sound was getting louder.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them,things were back to normal.Lizbeth and her group were looking at me weirdly.

Was that my imagination?

I looked at all of them and shrugged.I shoved both hamburgers into my mouth and stood up to leave when Chad called out.

"I hear Liz saying that you play well."

"You're going to have to be more specific,"I chuckled,"I play a lot of games,"I stated with a smirk.

"The court tonight at nine,"He ordered,"Find your team."

I smiled to myself and started walking away.Again!His voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Make sure they aren't losers like you,Heather."

"Bothering an innocent girl,"I chuckled,"Have you no shame?"

I looked back at him to see him scowling at me.I proceeded walking.I got into the girls' dorms and started looking around for the ones that play basketball.

Me being socially awkward didn't know how I'd ask them so I sat on the first floor stairs, trying to come up with things to say.

Just when I was about to give up,the universe gave me a sign.


She was busy discussing something with some girl.I pondered over whether I should approach her or not.Finally, I stood up and went towards the two girls.

"H-hey,"I stuttered.

Usually,you ask girls out without a second thought!

What's up now?

I cleared my throat to get the voice out of my head.I never hesitated to start conversations with girls but then I was clueless and I'm pretty sure my face was flushed.

"What do you want?"Asked Violet, looking annoyed,"Another insult?"

"Don't be rude,Vee,"The other girl chimed,"I'm Marissa."

I already liked her.She really seemed cool.No-not the kind of cool where one is all fly and dripping, but the kind where they are totally chill.Maybe smiles too much but she's still chill.

"Hello!"I saw the violet manicured fingers being snapped infront of my face.

", I need a..."

"Use your words."

I cleared my throat,"Are there any girls that are good at basketball and stuff?"

"I'm not perfect but yes!"The happy-go-lucky girl exclaimed.What was her name again? Melissa!Right, Melissa.

"Perfect, Melissa!Can you play against Chad and his team and actually win?"

"He's a guy!Wait,what'd you just call me?"

"The girl's an asshole with names, Marissa,"Violet said,"Technically, she's a general jerk but that's irrelevant.Oh!Wait, it's not."

"I'm in!"Marissa chirped after some thinking.

I passed a small smile before walking away,seeing as the two girls weren't willing to assist me to look for another three and there was no way Violet knew sports.

Violet looked like the kind to just do stuff and actually enjoy it.Nothing like the manicuring, pedicuring,"I need a peep with money that I can spend" kind of girls.

Right,the girls.

I went around the dorm for about half an hour but was still short of one person.I still couldn't believe how crazy my life was and more so how okay I was with everything except the crazy parents thing.

"I'm the best player you'll ever meet Seather!"

The last word made the pictures flash through my mind again but I managed to stand my ground, turning to face the source of the voice.

I could not believe my eyes,it was like looking at a completely different person but same crazy cuteness and same sassy attitude.I blinked a couple of times before checking her out-not that way, you perverts.

Violet was wearing basketball shorts(guess the colours),a tank top with the number "19" printed on the top right,long socks and sneakers I've looked for in every store I shop.

I stood there with Melissa, Violet,Daisy and Eliana,with two others as the benchers.

Chad,on the other hand had these four other guys who gave away a bad boy attitude and also a frick-fracking jerk style.

Now,did I mention that I don't know why I'm doing this?

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