Chapter 1

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It was exactly midnight when Emma opened her eyes and saw the full moon casting its light through her window. Nights in Storybrooke were different from nights elsewhere— even when nothing happened, they were almost always still magical. Alongside the moon, the stars were clearly visible, and Emma had asked herself multiple times if that had been Regina's intention or if it just happened when casting the curse.

"Emma, I'm trying to sleep," Regina's voice cut through the silence.

The blonde felt her breath hitch in shock, and an almost inaudible "Oh my god" escaped her throat. She had totally forgotten that Regina was sleeping next to her.

'Wait,' she thought, sitting up in her bed immediately. Regina was sleeping right next to her!

The mayor couldn't hold back an annoyed sigh before eventually opening her eyes. She was tired and just wanted to go back to sleep. "What is it?" she asked, trying not to sound too annoyed but failing.

"You're— You're in my bed. Right next to me."

"And up until now, it had been almost acceptable. But then your thoughts were so loud, as if you'd scream them at me, and now you're disturbing my beauty sleep." The brunette sighed after her last words, mumbled, "No pun intended, I'm not Maleficent." Another annoyed sigh escaped her lips. "See? Now you made me think about that dragon, and my night is ruined. Thanks, Emma."

"But... why are you in my bed?" Emma's voice barely rose above a whisper, her gaze fixed on the woman lying beside her.

"First of all, you're in my bed. And second, I'm truly disappointed."

"What? Why?!" the blonde exclaimed, suddenly aware of her location in the mayor's mansion.

"Emma, I'm genuinely hurt."

With wide eyes, Emma observed Regina rising from the bed, and their eyes locked in confusion. "What- What did I do?" she asked, trying to ignore how the moonlight accentuated the enchanting features of the mayor's face.

"I can't believe this," Regina sighed. "How could you forget? Did you lie to me, Emma?"

"Lie?" the blonde stammered. "No! No, I did not lie to you. I- What's happening? Please, just tell me and stop being so vague."

The mayor sighed, nodding slightly before nervously chewing on her lower lip. "Well, Miss Swan," she began, "you told me you were in love with me, and then we engaged in intimate activities."

"We-" Emma felt a whirlwind of emotions, her face displaying shock before furrowing her eyebrows. "We did what?!"

"Didn't you partake in similar escapades with your pirate, dear? No wonder he always struts around like something's bothering him in his pants," Regina remarked, running her fingers through her dark, shoulder-length hair.

"But- But we're not... undressed," the blonde whispered, tentatively lifting the blanket to double-check. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, and the rapid rhythm of her own breath echoed through the room. She closed her eyes for a fleeting moment before turning her gaze back to Regina — a grinning Regina.

"What..." Emma mumbled, studying the flawless face before her.

"I really don't know whether to laugh or cry, Emma. Perhaps laugh, considering you've been resembling a lost and confused puppy for the past five minutes," the mayor smirked, "which, incidentally, is rather adorable."

"Oh my god," the blonde whined. "I can't believe you did that!"

"And I can't believe you fell for it."

When Emma falls in loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon