Dr. Nefario Quits

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I went to leave this place but I felt a tap on my shoulder to noticed Lucius Wilder she had a card. I looked up and down at him, questioning what he was going to do. "Here is my card if you want to give us a call if you want to join."

I grabbed the card to scan it and I smiled back "I will think about Lucius Wilder." I then winked at him. After leaving in a boat for who knows how long we got home.

We opened the kid's room to see Edith drawing Margo on her phone, and Agnes was on Gru's shoulder already asleep. "Hey, I told you guys to get to bed." Margo responded "Oh, sorry" Edith looked up at her drawing and looked at us "So, when are you guys going on your date?" We both look at Edith confused, saying "What?!" at the same time.

"Remember, Ms. Lillian said she was arranging a date for both of you." Gru looks at Edith. "She's in a nut job and we are not going on any date" Edith playing around the stairs "Why not are you scared." Then it flashed to our memory of Gru. He got called out by touching a girl and people said we both had the Gru-ties and then, people made fun of that for me.

When I was asking a boy out for prom they promised they would go with me but then a couple of minutes later he kissed a girl in front of me and laughed at me saying "Who would go out with a nerd." And everyone laughed at me which made me cry in front of everyone which made it more embarrassing for me that day ."Scared? Of what! Women? No, that; 's bonkers!" "Agree, I would never be afraid of men?" I said, trying to sound confident.

"We just... we just have no interest in going on a date, that's all. Case closed." I was trying to close this talk because it would give me back trauma that I want to forget.

Gru nodded his head "I'm not scared. Of women. Or dates, let's go to bed."

Gru kissed Edith "Goodnight, Edith Gru then kissed Margo while she was on her phone "Goodnight, Margo." He noticed her on the phone "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa hold the horse! Who is texting?" Gru tries to look at Margo's phone "No one, just my friend Avery." "Avery. A-Avery? Is it a girl's name or a boy's name?" "Does it matter?"

"No, it doesn't matter unless it is a boy!"

Then Angnes spoke up "I know what makes you a boy." Gru went to her "Uh, you, you do..." "Your bald head." he sign was concerned he was the boy that treated us differently "Oh, yes." "It's smooth."

she moved her head like she touched his head "Sometimes I stare at it and imagine a little chick popping out!" she was moving her hands to describe what was going on in her imaginary head. She started to squeak "Goodnight, Agnes" he then kissed her head "Never get older" We moved to exit the room. I looked back at " Good night kids" and the response "Goodnight Auntie" I smiled and left the room.

We went down to see how Gru Jelly was going "Hey, Tims, nice haircut!" "Donnie! Hang in there, baby! Gru then fistbumps him. "It's almost Friday." I walk beside Gru looking around the place to see how much it changes.

"So, how's today's batch, Dr. Nefario" "I've developed a new formula which allows me to get every known kind of berry into one of jelly." I grab the bottle, put my finger in it, and lick it off.

The taste was so in the background that Gru was gagging from the jelly "That tastes good. Love the flavor of that." it was so bad he started to go down on the floor.

"It's horrible isn't it?" "No, no...Oh, we're making great progress." Gru gave some jelly to the minions "Here, try some of this."

The minion started to taste it and he started gagging as well. He gave some to the other minions and tried it as well but he started to gag as well. And trying to get it out of his mouth he smashed the bottle to the ground and yelled and put jelly on the floor and then everyone started to yell and created chaos by moving everywhere which I found entertaining for today other than that man. "Whoa. Okay, just because everybody hates it doesn't mean it's not good."

Male! Lucy Wilde x Reader GruWhere stories live. Discover now