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~" No one can sit beside you except me."~
~" Don't worry, you'll have to stay beside me forever btw."~


Monday mornings are always crap. But today was different. Today they were finally going to their school trip.

It was a direct school to trip destination and everyone was present at school before usual time as they were very much excited.

Lim Jukyung and Kang Soojin were sharing their hot packs as it was freezing cold. The coats were not enough.

Lee Suho and Han Seojun also arrived as their class was ready now. " Do you need another hot pack?" Lee suho asked gently to Jukyung. " ah no, this one's ok?" Jukyung smiled.

" wah, so cute. You guys are so romantic every time. " Soojin said in amazement as they both smiled. Han Seojun just took his hot pack out and handed it to Soojin like he was passing some drugs without any words, raising his left eyebrow up. Soojin was shocked by the sudden action and then heard Jukyung and Suho laughing. She made a 😐 face towards Seojun. " See. This is how one should help...ah really..." The other two laughed as hell seeing her so 'done' face.

"No worries. He is a little unromantic but he is very flirty. Once you two come in relation, he will learn some romance." Suho said as he patted Seojun's shoulders. " Relationship? With him. No way. And point on flirting...I don't see he is any of that either. He is a boring grandpa." Soojin said as she and Jukyung laughed together. " Yahh what grandpa-" Seojun was cut off by Mr. Han as he announced everyone to get on the bus.
" ok little one, we'll see later." Soojin said as she smiled and the girls went up on the bus.
" Haha...she's funny. Now let's go" Lee Suho said as he and Seojun also walked up.            " hAhA" Seojun mocked him in annoyance.

As soon as they all entered the bus, Lim Jukyung took the window seat and Kang Soojin too in the opposite window seat. Their side seats were vacant. Lee Suho saw someone was about to sit beside Jukyung when he hurried and took the seat. The boy just looked at Suho in confusion. " Sorry, already taken. Both seat and her." Suho said as he smiled. The boy just went to the back. Jukyung chuckled seeing his behaviour.
"No one can sit beside you except me." Suho said as he winked and Jukyung laughed cutely.

Soojin took the window seat in the opposite side of Jukyung and Suho and waited for 'someone' to sit beside her. To her surprise, a guy came up and sat beside her. She was surprised but didnt mind anything. But someone really minded that.  Han Seojun was too stunned to speak when he saw a random boy go up and sit beside Soojin. He wanted to curse him but went towards them and watched the two. Soojin noticed it and chuckled to herself seeing his jealous state and the boy just looked at him confusingly.
"Don't worry, you have to stay beside me forever btw. And you, better maintain a nice gap." After saying, he went to the back and took the empty seat. Soojin just witnessed the whole thing and laughed. " Is he your boyfriend?" The boy asked seeing Seojun's behaviour. " no...he is just...a little crazy you know?" She said in between her laugh. The boy just smiled looking at her.
" Btw, I'm Lee Mino. Section B5." the boy said while extending his hand out. Soojin gladly accepted his handshake. " I'm Kang Soojin, A1. " The boy oh-ed after knowing her section. "  school Topper then!" Soojin just chuckled a little. " Ah nothing like that..."

The whole scene was witnessed by Han Seojun. He was visibly burning. Lim jukyung and Lee suho who also watched it looked at him, smiling teasingly. He just reacted with a ' not so funny ' expression.

The bus finally started. Lee Suho held Jukyung's hand as they watched the roadside, clicked many pictures together and posted it. Soojin was talking with that boy for long now and they were really having a good conversation. But here our playboy was continuously watching the two. He took his phone out and messaged Soojin.

Kang Soojin

What are you two talking
about for so long??

Why? We are just discussing
about daily stuffs.

Then what's so funny about
daily stuffs that you are laughing
so much!?

Yah, you can't tell me what
to talk and not. And why are
you being so jealous? ? ;)

Wth I'm not jealous.

Ok then lemme talk.

Hey what- wait!


"Ah this little-" and he switched his phone off.

They finally reached their destination and everyone stepped out the bus..

" ah so nice weather isn't it?" Jukyung said as she breathed heavily. " mhm really." Suho also smiled. " where are the other two?" Jukyung asked as they looked back watching Soojin and that boy coming together, still talking and Seojun walking behind them like a angry kitten. " aha...Han Seojun is jealous. They are like cats and dogs. But a hate-love relationship. " Suho said and Jukyung agreed.

Soojin bid goodbye to that boy who went to his friends but still kept looking at her. Soojin walked towards the couple smiling but didnt notice Seojun behind her, looking dead at her and then the boy. The boy noticed Seojun's stare and got a little scared.
Jukyung and suho also notice it and Jukyung told it to Soojin while whispering in her ear.
" Seojun is burning in jealousy right now. Better you think every step 2 times before doing it." And she laughed while Soojin did too.

"Yah Han Seojun, why your face kinda red?"
Suho went up and touched his cheeks, teasingly. " i-is it so? I guess because of the cold." He cleared his throat and looked somewhere else. " yeah yeah ofcourse..." suho smiled bumping him with his shoulders. " Yah stop." Seojun showed his cool face trying to hide his red face.

They all went towards their hotel. Lim Jukyung and Kang Soojin were in the same room and Lee Suho and Han Seojun were in another.

They spent the night in their respective rooms.

Part 12

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