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~" The memories lingers in my head every moment...~"
~" I hate those memories but it wont leave me"~


Han Seojun was getting better, he was now able to stable himself enough to go to school again. The three came everyday to check on him. Finally he got discharged from the hospital.

" Are you feeling okay?" Lee Suho asked taking him out of the hospital with the other two girls. " yeah. You guys took best care of me. " Seojun smiled while Jukyung and Suho smiled too. Kang Soojin didnt smile and Suho noticed it. " we did but someone was more tensed than us, right Jukyung?" Jukyung nodded and chuckled. Han Seojun smiled to himself and looked her. " Do you guys wanna eat something?" Lim Jukyung asked the three. " Umm sorry I have to get back early. My father...asked me to." Kang Soojin said as she took a pause after mentioning about her father. Seojun noticed it. " oh, okay no problem. Maybe some other day we four can hang out. " Jukyung said as everyone agreed. " Seojun are you able to drive right now? I think you shouldn't-" Suho insisted him to not to drive as he just got well. But Seojun reassured him and said he can drive. " Okay then you and Soojin go together." Suho said as Seojun gave a bombastic side eye to him, making him chuckle. " No need I can go by bus-" Soojin tried to deny but Jukyung didnt let that slide. " why? You both live close so you can go together. Save the money of bus for later." Suho agreed with her. " okay..." Soojin gave up and agreed. " Then Jukyung and I will leave now. Just inform me when you get home." Seojun nodded and Suho and Jukyung left.

Seojun and Soojin also got in Seojun's car. Soojin sat at the back first which confused Seojun. " Hey, dont make me feel like a driver. Come in front." Soojin hesitated. But at last sat at the front, beside Seojun. The drive was silent. Seojun tried to break it by starting a conversation.  " you mind me asking one thing?" Soojin looked at him. " What?" Seojun cleared his voice and said " Is something wrong between you and Like i know it's your personal matter so I'll not force you to say if you dont feel so." Soojin remained silent for 2 to 3 mins. " dad just see me as a way to gain his respect and popularity.  He doesn't love me as his daughter. He wanted a daughter to is smart, silent, pretty just for his own popularity. I've gone through a lot. 3 suicide attempts, self harm, depression and what not. But I never let that hover me in public. I'm tired of being perfect for my father. And also his tortures... I shouldnt tell you all this. I hate those memories but it wint leave me. It gave me trauma all over again..."

Seojun was speechless. Soojin was tearing up but hated crying infront if someone.  Seojun couldn't understand what he should say. He always got his parents live the utmost. After his father passed away his mother gave all her love and care to him and his sister. He couldn't imagine being tortured every moment like this.

He stopped the car. Soojin was crying silently facing the window. He could understand.  He pulled her and hugged her. Soojin was taken aback by his actions. He stayed like that hugging her and rubbing her back slowly. Soojin broke down.

After maximum 20 mins it was calm in the car. They slowly broke the hug. Seojun held her face softly looking in her eyes, caressing her cheeks with his thumb. " Don't worry. I'm here for you. I promise. " seojun said as he joint their foreheads together and sighed.

On the other side, Jukyung and Suho was on their way. Suddenly Suho's phone vibrated with a name. ' Dad '. His face suddenly dropped down. Jukyung noticed it. He didnt pick up the call. " pick it up. If it's something urgent-" jukyung stopped as Suho stopped the car. " I dont care. He didnt care for me. If I was dying or living." Jukyung held his hands in support. " The memories lingers in my head every moment...of what he did. So why he's calling me now?" Rage was forming in him as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. Jukyung tried to calm him down. " Look I know. But I dont want you to regret about anything later. " Suho looked at Jukyung slowly as he understood. He called back his dad.

" Suho?" His dad spoke from the other side.
" why did you call?" Suho sighed when he's father began to spoke. " listen child. I'm coming to South Korea tomorrow. I want to meet you" suho's eyes widened as he heard. " No. Never. I don't wanna meet you." And he cut the phone. Jukyung looked at him confusingly. " what happened babe?" She asked concerningly. " My dad wants to meet me. But I don't wanna. " jukyung sighed hearing to Suho. " it's almost 9. Let's go." And suho ended the discussion and started to drive again.

Part 11
------------------ ENDS ------------------

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