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~" your eyes...they're saying something different ."~
~" the eyes...they never lie"~


It was 1 in the morning. Lim Jukyung was roaming around her streets. She was actually bored of sitting at home and listening to her moms taunts. Exams were near but she would rather drink cold coffee and wander around. Suddenly...


Her phone buzzed up with the name        LEE SUHO. ' oh...why is he calling me at this time?' Jukyung thought. She picked it up.

" Annyeong" spoke the male from the other side of the call. " yah...what's up? " jukyung asked while walking in a lazy manner, kicking the pebbles out of her way. " umm...
Do you wanna hang out?" Jukyung was too stunned to reply. She thought for a moment and decided to agree on as she didnt have anything to do at that moment. She would rather like to get some company. " yeah sure." Jukyung smiled and told Suho to meet at their common park.

After 15 mins, Suho reached the place and saw Jukyung swinging on a swing while drinking her cold coffee and holding another one in her other hand. Jukyung saw Suho enter the park.  She waved her hands in air for him to notice and signed him to sit beside her. Suho went up to sit beside her on another swing. " Hey. " Jukyung greeted him with a genuine smile. Suho being a little nervous replied back " Hi... " . " so...why did you wanna hang out at this hour?" Jukyung asked as Suho nodded his head. " just felt bored at home I guess. That's why..."
Jukyung oh-ed at his comment. After a while gossiping they were now walking around the park. Jukyung handed him the other cold coffee. Chatting about some random stuff they spent an hour. Then Suho stopped her by holding her wrist gently. Jukyung turned towards him and their eyes met.         " Lim Jukyung...do you like anyone?" Suho asked out of blue made Jukyung shock. She felt a little nervous. She knew deep inside that she liked Lee Suho. But obviously she wasnt going to tell him that. " N-no..." Suho looked at her eyes for long and took a step closer.  " your eyes...they're saying something different." Jukyung's eyes went wide  and her mouth remained still. She wasnt able to say anything.

" I like you..." Finally, Lee Suho the Topper confessed his feelings for Lim Jukyung. Jukyung couldn't believe what she heard. Lee Suho, the most popular boy of the school, liked her? Though she liked him from very early, she couldn't confess. But now that Lee Suho had already confessed, she wasnt going to refuse. " I-I like you too...a lot." Suho was happy to hear that. He smiled and his eyes became literally invisible due to his smile. He quickly pulled her into a hug. Jukyung hugged back but was still a little moved by the sudden confession. They both were smiling but then Jukyung's phone buzzed up again. It was Kang Soojin now.

" hello...jukyung..." soojin said while gasping hard. " wh-what is it kang Su? Why are you sounding so scared?" The call was on speaker so Suho could hear her too.                " Ha-Han Seojun...he...had an accident..with bike...he is bleeding...a lot..." Suho and Jukyung was too shocked. " what? How did it happen?" Jukyung asked. " I'll tell you everything later...please come infront to my house. We need to take him to hospital. And if possible...bring...Lee Suho too." Soojin spoke while breathing hard. " ok we are coming. Dont worry." Jukyung ended the call. " we have to go quickly." Lee suho said and Jukyung nodded in reply. They both ran and took a taxi and reached Kang Soojin's house.

"Lim Jukyung..." Soojin ran up to the two.      " what happen to him?" Lee Suho asked running towards the unconscious Seojun who was lying on the road, messed with blood. " I was inside my house when I heard a loud scratching sound. I came outside and saw him lying unconscious. "  Soojin explained her pov. " call a taxi. I'll get him"
Suho said taking Seojun in his arms. Jukyung called a taxi and they went to the hospital. Calling an ambulance would cause more delay as Seojun's condition was not good.

They arrived at the hospital and Seojun got admitted immediately. They waited outside. Suho's clothes were painted with blood.

After 3 hours, the doctor finally came out.
" He is out of danger. You can meet him." The doctor said and left. They went inside and saw Seojun sitting on the bed. His left hand was broken and several bandages covered his face.

" Han Seojun..." Lim Jukyung spoke in sigh.
" oh. You guys are here?" Seojun looked up at them in smile. " We brought you here." Suho said sitting beside Seojun. " Actually Soojin informed us about you. And your condition was worse." Jukyung said as Seojun looked at Soojin who tried to ignore his glare. Seojun chuckled slowly. " oh really. Well then. Thanks to all of you." Seojun said as he sat more prominently on the bed. Suho helped him in that. " there's nothing to thank us in here. It was our responsibility to save our friend. " Jukyung assured him. He smiled. Soojin sat on the chair beside Seojun's bed. Seojun noticed it but didnt looked directly. " Lee Suho...uh.." Seojun hesitated and squint his eyes signalling something. " yeah ofcourse. Jukyung come with me for a moment." Suho said and Jukyung nodded. " wait where are you going?" Soojin asked curiously. " well be back in few. " Suho said and he exited the room with Jukyung leaving Seojun and Soojin alone. Seojun smiled at Suho for the last before they leave.

It was quite for some minutes after they left when Seojun broke it. " So...why did you bring me here?" Seojun asked as Soojin looked at him. " what else would I do? Leave you there to death?" Seojun chuckled hearing that. " why? Do you care for me?" Seojun asked again as Soojin mentally slapped him. " why are you asking all these. I don't care for you. It was humanity." Seojun chuckled again and held her side face with his right hand and made her look at him.  " the eyes...they never lie. Your eyes are showing that they do care. I saw you being extremely nervous when you entered the room. Was that for me? I think so. You were scared for me, weren't you?"

The room was silent. Seojun's large palm was still in contact with her left cheek. She looked at him with utter shock and gulped hard. Seojun moved closer as their faces were inches apart. " Tell me, princess." His deep and husky voice sent chills to her.          " what...are you doing?" Soojin managed to complete her words. Seojun played with her ear lobe. "What I should do." Seojun was taking it on lead. Soojin couldn't even imagine this. They made eye contact. His eyes were filled with feelings. He moved even closer and closer for now that their lips were just centimeter apart. Feeling each other's breathe, they didnt break eye contact.

After this could move any longer Suho and Jukyung broke in. They ,within flash, seperated. Soojin was breathing real hard and Seojun scratched his neck in embarrassment. " Ok times up. We need to announce something." Suho said as they both blushed. " Wh-what is it?" Seojun stuttered.  " Dont be embarrassed Han Seojun. I already know everything."
This made them even more shy and Jukyung hit Suho's arm quietly . " ok so the thing is.....we are dating."  Suho finally announced as Jukyung hid her face in his arm. " oh my- from when?" Soojin stood shockingly.            " when you informed us about Seojun. Few moments before that only." Suho explained as Soojin and Seojun both smiled. " You give us a treat now." Seojun smiled as he said.      " Not now. First you get well and umm...I'd like a double date."  Suho laughed as Seojun bawled his eyes out. Jukyung laughed too and Soojin cleared her throat. Then they all laughed creating a good environment.



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