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~ " Yah...go-goodnight" ~
~ " Goodnight? For you? Ofcourse not!" ~


It was nearly the end of their day in school. The preparations for the project went well through the day for Jukyung while headache for Soojin as she had to boare Seojun's singing all day. Jukyung always stole quick glances of Suho who was busy in decorating the big posters. While Seojun just shouted out his lungs while singing some random songs, clearly getting Soojin disturbed. She hated that. She hated that boy. For grade's sake, she had to cope up with these. While Jukyung couldn't complain much about being with Suho, who was just the opposite of Seojun. Calm, quite, cold and peaceful. Jukyung quite liked his presence.

" yah, why dont we six go out today after school?" Suah asked while turning towards her team. " That'll be great. We can get some snacks and ice creams and watch the sunset too. Will you guys join?" Taehoon agreed with his girlfriend and hoped that the other four will also give in. " I actually have basketball training at Evening..." Seojun pouted cutely feeling helpless. " Yah Han Seojun, you can cancel your class for one day. It's no big deal." Suah suggested making Seojun re think about the option. " yes, Seojun. Please come with us today." Taehoon requested too. " okay then, if you guys are requesting so much, then I guess I'll come..." seojun finally agreed with the couple. " okay!! What about you three?" Suah asked turning her attention towards Suho, Jukyung and Soojin. " yeah, I can join. I dont even have classes today. I'm off." Suho nodded after agreeing to join them. " I can join but Soojin have classes today I guess. What'll you do Kang Su?" Jukyung asked while Soojin thought about it. " well..I can manage it up." Soojin too agreed on the decision. " ok then, let's go after school ends." Suah happily stated.

School finally ended and it was 2.30 PM. The six went out together as they planned . While crossing the streets, they watched many stores and street foods.

" that looks so good. Can we get that?" Jukyung asked while watching the tasty street food. " ok, let's go!" Suho walked ahead of them and went towards the store. Jukyung was confused for why he agreed so quickly. Moving on, they all went towards the store following Suho. They enjoyed the food as much as they enjoyed watching the sunset sitting across the empty park.

" This is heavenly..." Soojin spoke as she smiled watching the precious sunset. Seojun turned to look around while listening to her comment, but was stuck. Stuck watching her face. Shining brightly from the sun rays. Stuck seeing her smile cutely. Stuck watching her eyes glow for a moment- ' oh shit, what are you doing Seojun...come back to reality.' Seojun scolded himself and gulped hard as he removed his gaze from Kang Soojin.

" Its hella beautiful. " Jukyung agreed with Soojin while watching the sky mixed in different shades of red, orange, yellow. As Jukyung watched the sky, Suho watched her. The corner of his lips crept up. His eyes went smaller as his lips curved more. He smiled seeing Jukyung smile. He liked watching Jukyung smile. As he wanted to watch her every time. It was so sudden. It caused him to realise something he didnt felt before. It wasnt crush, not obsession, not liking...but something more deeper than those.

As they watched the sunset, time spent like fine wine. It was already 6.30 PM. " yah, its becoming late, we should head out. " suah said as she bid goodbye to them and went back with Taehoon. " There's no bus at this time. what do we do?" Jukyung asked nervously to Soojin. " Guess we'll have to walk-" As soon as Soojin spelled her words out, Suho cut her in between. " Wait! If you want, I can drop you guys." Suho suggested looking pleading towards Soojin. Soojin well understood the assignment and smirked. " yeah. Thall be great. What you say, Ju?" Soojin excitedly asked Jukyung. " hmm....ok, if you insist." Soojin smiled proudly and looked towards Suho who smiled and thanked her without words.
" what about Seojun?" Jukyung asked as she saw Seojun looking here and there. " oh, dont worry about me, I'll go by mys-" Seojun was cut off by Suho. " I'll drop you three." Seojun looked unbelievably as he agreed to drop him only for Jukyung. As if, now it was clear to both Seojun and Soojin that what the matter was...except Jukyung.

The four went towards Suho's car. Soojin and Jukyung were going to sit at the back when, " I cant sit in the front. I hate it. Especially with him." Seojun sighed while saying, dramatically. Suho internally thanked him as he unknowingly did Suho's job. " Then sit on the top of the car" he said jokingly but with a serious face. The next thing he did was just give Soojin a glance who perfectly knew what she had to do. Soojin nodded. " yah, Jukyung-ah...if Seojun doesnt want to sit in the front, you can sit. And anyway you also have car sick. So you'll get some fresh air in the front." Soojin said making Jukyung confused. She looked at all the three who were glancing at her waiting for her answer. " wow....I mean...ok!"

It was done. Suho and Jukyung were sitting at the front, both being nervous and not looking directly at each other but never missing the chance to take quick glances when the other's not looking.

And there was, Soojin and Seojun, sitting at the back, with 1 km distance between them, obviously irritated and looking at the opposite direction. Not wanting to look at each other.

To prevent the awkwardness inside the car, Suho played some soft music which was really cooling the atmosphere. After nearly 15 mins, " Stop!" Both Soojin and Seojun said at same time. " wow...Seojun you live here? Soojin also lives in this area. " Jukyung said suprisingly as it was new to her. Suho also didnt knew that Soojin lives near Seojun. He had been at Seojun's place for a few times before. Like whenever he was bleeding to death after running into a fight with some random person. Or when he used to get into small accidents due to his bike riding.

Soojin and Seojun looked at each other for 2 mins without any expression. Then they bid goodbye to both Suho and Jukyung and went out of the car. After some moments of walking down the road with complete silence, Seojun finally broke it. " Do you live beside my house only? Why are you still walking with me?" As Seojun said, Soojin also replied dryly. " I can say that either. " Seojun was surely now out of words. This girl always had her replies ready. " this is it. " Seojun said standing in front of his house. " oh, ok. " Soojin said as she turned towards him. " You?" Seojun asked. " I'll just have to walk some more. " Soojin turned around to walk away after saying. " No goodnight?" Seojun said as Soojin turned around flipping her hairs back and chuckled. Seojun blinked few times and gulped slowly. " Goodnight? For you? Ofcourse not!" And she walked away leaving Seojun speechless.

While Suho and Jukyung reached their destination, they realised that the same thing repeated with them as it happened a few moments before with Seojun and Soojin. They too lived near each other, in the same area. Suho parked the car and they both got out of it. " Wow I...never noticed you live here.." Jukyung said as she nervously bit her lips looking down while walking slowly. Suho looked at her and smiled a little not wanting Jukyung to notice. " too. " Suho answered trying not to smile seeing Jukyung's cute reactions. " this was for me. " Suho stopped in front of his house. Jukyung turned towards the house looking amused by its architecture. Suho smiled internally. "ok...bye.." Jukyung said as Suho stepped towards his gate after bidding her goodbye. "Yah...go-goodnight" Jukyung said as Suho turned and smiled, failed to control this time. " Hmm...goodnight. Go safely." Suho walked inside while smiling and leaving a blushing Jukyung outside. Hence forth Jukyung walked towards her house.....

Part 3
_________ ENDS _________

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