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Xie Zhiqing also has a younger sister, and she hates seeing girls shed tears.

He thought about it tangledly and comforted: "You are brother and sister."

Lang Xiaoxiao leaned on the desk and burst into tears: "I didn't mean to quarrel with him. I know what he said is true. I know he is doing it for my own good."

Xie Zhiqing didn't know what to say, and she really understood that this was not a problem that outsiders could step in to help solve. She could only say: "When he comes back, can you have a good chat?"

Lang Xiaoxiao nodded while crying.

However, not long after, Lang Xiaoxiao began to feel restless again.

She wiped away her tears and looked out the window anxiously.

This movement and expression are somewhat familiar.

Xie Zhiqing also followed suit——

Soon, Lang Xiaoxiao couldn't even sit still. She anxiously walked around the room several times, and finally hid behind the door.

The next moment, the door was kicked open.

Xie Zhiqing: "..."

The grumpy wolf king started to open the door with his foot again.

Lang Xiaoxiao hid behind the door and was almost photographed like a wolf cake by the door.

Naturally, Lang San had already noticed that there was someone else at home. After closing the door, he crossed his arms and looked at the girl hiding behind the door, and said coolly: "What are you doing here?"

Lang Xiaoxiao laughed bitterly, "Uh..."

She looked at Xie Zhiqing as if asking for help.

"..." Xie Zhiqing said bravely, "Come... give me something."

Lang San turned back to look at Xie Zhiqing, and then at Lang Xiaoxiao who wanted to shrink into a ball, "It's been delivered, let's go."

Lang Xiaoxiao: "...Oh."

She rubbed her nose and left with hands and feet.

He was walking a little slowly, not at all like his normal self.

Lang San sarcastically said again: "Hurry up, don't you still want to stay for dinner?"

"..." Lang Xiaoxiao scratched his head and looked back at him with a tangled expression.

Lang San was actually holding a food box in his hand. When he saw this, he raised his hand and said: "It's just food for two people, you don't have a share."

Lang Xiaoxiao said dejectedly: "Oh... then I'm leaving, brother."

Lang San said: "Get out of here."

Lang Xiaoxiao hesitated to speak several times, but finally left without saying anything.

Lang San put down the food box in his hand, called Xie Zhiqing over to eat, and asked casually: "What did you get?"

Xie Zhiqing showed him the piece of cloth.

Lang San took a look - the Wolf King couldn't tell the colors, and could only see a rough outline of everything. He glanced at the pattern on the cloth and asked, "These three butterflies are... a family of three?"

"?" Xie Zhiqing really didn't pay attention. After hearing this, she looked carefully again and found that the butterflies on the cloth were indeed two large and one small. She said happily, "It's actually true! I didn't pay attention just now! No wonder he said Best for newborn babies!”

After The Soft Beauty Marries The Wolf Kingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن