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No wonder the little rabbit was unhappy. Ates's headbutt and slap came out of nowhere.

No matter how smart it is, it is still a beast. After spreading its wolf claws, there are sharp claws hidden under the flesh pads. Fufu was so scared that she hid beside Xie Zhiqing's pillow and shivered.

"...In short, that's it." Xie Zhiqing explained with difficulty.

He also felt that Ates's behavior was inexplicable, but he really couldn't speak directly. Firstly, Ates is really smart and almost never does anything he can't understand. Secondly, for so long, it has always taken good care of Fufu.

He could only look up at Lang San, trying to find some answers from him.

Lang San spread his hands and mouthed silently, "Maybe he's possessed."

Ates had good hearing, so he could hear this. It straightened up from the ground, glared at Lang thirty times, and ran away.

When closing the door, he deliberately knocked it down, making a loud noise, leaving the two owners staring in the room.

"..." Lang San said angrily, "I think this little wolf cub needs to be dealt with!"

Xie Zhiqing smiled and picked up Fufu, saying: "Okay, okay, let me go and study what happened to Ates tomorrow. It's already very late today, everyone should rest first!"

However, in the next few days, Xie Zhiqing did not have the chance to ask Artes what happened.

Ates seemed very...busy. It was hard for Xie Zhiqing to imagine that he would actually see a hurried look on a wolf's face.

Since he was busy, Xie Zhiqing didn't want to disturb him. Fortunately, Artes seemed to have returned to normal in the next few days. Xie Zhiqing just regarded it as a small animal at home that occasionally had a temper and didn't take it seriously at all.

After Ates calmed down, Xie Zhiqing thought about going to buy flower seeds with Lu Lingling again - in the end, he still didn't go hunting with Lang San. He was still sleepy all the time. These two days were almost spent eating and sleeping. A life of eating.

Lang San mentioned seeing a doctor again, but Xie Zhiqing touched her head and hands and really didn't feel any discomfort.

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable somewhere else, please tell me." Lang San said.

He also checked several times and found that Xie Zhiqing had no injuries or pain. Due to lethargy, she had not even had sex in the past few days. She was clean from head to toe, with no trace at all. She really didn't look like she was sick.

Although I regret not being able to go out with Xie Zhiqing now, it would be good to buy beautiful red flowers to decorate their small vegetable garden, Lang San thought.

So, the matter of buying flower seeds was settled.

There is no place to buy flowers around the grassland - not to mention flower seeds, even rapeseed is delivered by special personnel from far away. The two went through a lot of trouble to find the nearest place where they could buy flower seeds.

However, although the process is complicated, the results are still good. The two of them ran around for a whole day and bought two large bags of flower seeds.

"Oh my god, I don't know how much I can do for farming." Lu Lingling covered her face and said, "If there is no farming, the Wolf King will scold me!"

Xie Zhiqing hugged the package in her arms tightly and said with a smile, "No way! Don't be so afraid of him."

Deer Lingling bitter gourd face.

Before returning to the grassland, the two found a tavern nearby to finish their meal.

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