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Regarding this hairpin, Lang San said that he polished it himself.

...How should I put it? If he hadn't said it, Xie Zhiqing probably wouldn't have noticed that the shape of the hairpin was a little crooked - he had previously thought it was a strange design from an alien race. Now that he has discovered this, Xie Zhiqing finds this hairpin funny.

He held back his laughter until his face almost froze. When he looked up and saw the Wolf King's face as black as coal, he felt even more amused.

"..." Lang San took a deep breath and said, "I'll find another piece of wood!"

Xie Zhiqing quickly grabbed him and said, "Bye bye, don't waste them anymore!"

Lang San glared at him.

Xie Zhiqing knew that there was nothing this man could do to him, so he simply laughed loudly without hiding it at all.

...Xie Zhiqing was really right. Lang San really had nothing to do with him, so he could only sulk on the spot for a while, then rubbed Xie Zhiqing's head and pulled it into his arms.

But the idea of ​​going out to pack something was just planted.

Not only are they used to make hairpins, Lang San is also thinking about making gloves for Xie Zhiqing - the little prince is not picky, but he is a bit sensitive to smells. The sheepskin that is often used to make gloves always feels strong and he is unwilling to wear it. .

Lang San thought about it in his mind, and after arranging a few important things at hand, he set a date to take Xie Zhiqing out to play.

He doesn't plan to go too far, or even leave the grassland, but just rides around the border - Xie Zhiqing can't go too far either.

I don’t know what’s going on lately. He seems to be particularly sleep-deprived. He can fall asleep just sitting down.

I usually get up late in the morning and always feel sleepy in the afternoon, but I actually slept all afternoon these days. However, after sleeping like this during the day, Xie Zhiqing still felt sleepy at night.

Lang San was a little worried about him and asked the doctor several times to come and take a look, but Xie Zhiqing only said it was fine.

"It's really okay." Xie Zhiqing yawned again and said, "I just feel sleepy. My waist doesn't hurt and my legs don't feel sore. It's okay."

Lang San was doubtful.

Xie Zhiqing yawned and walked towards him, wanting to show that she was really not sick. He put his arms around Lang San's neck and wanted to be brave enough to sit on Lang San's lap——

As a result, as soon as his hand touched Lang San's shoulder, the door was banged.

Ates was pounding on the door.

Xie Zhiqing's face was full of embarrassment. She quickly got off Lang San's lap and trotted over to open the door.

Ates came again to deliver a message.

The brother and sister Xie Zhifeng have returned to Anyu safely. The letter reporting their safety has been belated and has just been delivered to the grassland. After Ates saw it, he sent it to Xie Zhiqing as soon as possible.

Xie Zhiqing opened the letter and read it carefully.

The brother's letter was very concise. He only said that he and the princess had arrived safely and asked Xie Zhiqing not to worry.

Just two or three lines, you can read it in one go.

Xie Zhiqing sighed sadly. He read the letter two or three times before putting it down and putting it in the drawer.

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