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He was not used to going to bed early, and with things on his mind, Lang San couldn't sleep.

He thought about Xie Zhiqing's pregnancy over and over in his mind, still finding it strange and unimaginable.

But no matter what... He turned sideways and looked at Xie Zhiqing's sleeping face, feeling uncontrollable joy in his heart.

They actually... have a baby, a baby that belongs to both of them.

Lang San closed his eyes, and the appearance of the future baby immediately appeared in his head.

He must be a miniature version of Xie Zhiqing... He has round eyes and a milky voice. He stands on the ground and opens his hands for him to hold. He also calls him daddy...

Lang San started to feel dizzy again.

He quickly opened his eyes and got rid of the thoughts in his mind, otherwise he would think about random things.

He began to think about other things.

Before leaving, the doctors said that Xie Zhiqing was in good health and everything seemed fine at the moment. There was no need to be overly nervous. She just needed to pay more attention to nutritional supplements and stay in a happy mood.

Lang San sorted it out in his mind and decided to find a few chefs outside to cook something delicious for Xie Zhiqing in different ways.

Oh, by the way, it's been snowing lately, and I have to find someone to shovel the snow at all times to prevent the little prince from falling clumsily.

And the steps in the secret base must be repaired.

Thinking of the secret base, Lang San couldn't calm down anymore.

I really didn't expect that a small cave that I randomly developed when I was a child... would actually become such an important place.

Hold! He remembered something else!

He actually took Xie Zhiqing out to ride horses! Hold!

At this point, Lang San finally understood.

Ates suddenly went crazy that day, right after he heard that he wanted to take Xie Zhiqing out for hunting!

It's just that he and Xie Zhiqing both misunderstood at that time and preconceivedly thought that Ates was venting his anger on Fufu. Now that I think about it, it is clear that Ates did not allow him to take Xie Zhiqing out to ride horses and hunt...

Fortunately, he really didn't go later, otherwise... Lang San almost immediately broke into a cold sweat.

He cursed Ates angrily in his heart again. It was abominable that he didn't tell him such an important thing in advance!

In short, this night, His Highness the Wolf King was sometimes surprised, sometimes happy, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes scared, and he didn't sleep a wink all night long.

However, Lang was in high spirits at the happy event. In the early morning of the next day, Lang San, who had not slept all night, was in high spirits. After breakfast with Xie Zhiqing, he went out to repair the stairs.

No matter how many thoughts he had at night, during the day, the Wolf King remained calm and collected, pretending to be nothing.

As usual, he kissed Xie Zhiqing on the cheek and went out. To say there was any difference from usual, I only had a few more instructions to "eat well" and "come to me anytime if you need anything."

Xie Zhiqing nodded obediently.

After Lang San left, Xie Zhiqing started doing his own things as before.

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