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Xie Zhiqing blinked, lowered his head and smiled.

He picked his fingers and said, "Everyone is very good, and you...you are very good too."

He spoke frankly****, and the happiness and peace of mind in his words were beyond words, "I am very happy, as happy as when I was in Anyu!"

Lang San also smiled and nodded, "That's good. I hope Xiao Qinger can be this happy in the future."

Xie Zhiqing said "hmm" forcefully.


The two sat in the cave for a while longer, and did not leave until the remaining warmth of the pile of firewood had completely dissipated.

After saying no more thanks this time, Xie Zhiqing stopped being polite to Lang San and took the initiative to jump on his back, letting His Highness the Wolf King carry her back up.

Oh, he was still worried about his weight. He poked Lang San's shoulder and asked, "Am I heavy?"

Lang San: "No, you are very light."

Lang San answered matter-of-factly, without any hint of perfunctoryness. Xie Zhiqing believed it with satisfaction - after all, no one had deceived the young prince of Anyu Kingdom since he was a child.

He believed it so easily that he didn't even notice the joy in Lang San's words.

Of course, even if he noticed it, he wouldn't know the reason for Lang San's happiness.

This was the first time Xie Zhiqing took the initiative to make a request to Lang San, without repeated gratitude or endless polite words. Just like asking for a favor from an ordinary friend, I made an extremely small request to Lang San.

Lang San asked someone to go up and grabbed the vine behind Xie Zhiqing's back.


It was completely dark.

The grassland was no better than Anyu. It was really dark at night. Xie Zhiqing could see nothing but a blurry black shadow.

He didn't know what Lang San's posture was, but with a whoosh, the two of them had landed firmly on the ground.

"Oh!" Xie Zhiqing remembered, "Wolves have night vision, right?"

"That's right. I only get up at noon and come back at midnight every day. Don't you know?" Lang San was still a little strange and asked.

He put Xie Zhiqing down, and after seeing the man walking clumsily for a few steps, he suddenly realized: "I understand, you can't see the road clearly, can you? Then I'll carry you."

Xie Zhiqing climbed onto his back again happily.

Xie Zhiqing is very light, and the weight that falls on Lang San's back is completely worthless. Lang San could walk very fast even if he was carrying him on his back.

On the way, the two chatted every now and then.

"Didn't your father bring you some maids and nuns to come with you?" Lang San asked.

Xie Zhiqing said: "Originally there were some, but I sent them away."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhiqing sighed softly.

"You know, my second emperor brother has limited mobility, and my younger sister is too young. Those palace maids who can serve others and are still young can stay for a few more years. I want them to stay and take care of them both. The older aunts Well, I don’t want them to come to such a far place—many of them have their families.”

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