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"Why are you here Katarina?" Elijah asked. He had caught sight of her on the night of Bonnie's birthday. Elijah had witnessed how she had ran from the club after watching the girls that night. Although no one knew, he had gone to the club to watch over them, to watch over Bonnie. A sentiment he knew may set his paranoid brother to a fit of anger.

Elijah had followed Katherine to the café. He watched her. At first he had thought she was in New Orleans by chance. He thought she was on one of her travels. One should always know better than to trust Katherine and her intentions. Elijah had witnessed how Katherine watched the witch from the bayou.

He too, had listened in on the witch's conversation, but he wondered what about it had peaked Katherine's interest. The mere fact that she knew that Klaus was in New Orleans and made no plans to leave, made Elijah suspicious of the reasons for her appearance. As much as he didn't want her dead, if he had to choose, he would let her die to protect his family.

"Elijah. My favorite original. What a pleasant surprise to see you here." She gave him a sultry smile. "I asked you a question, Katarina" he said, emphasizing her birth name. "Oh come on. No need to be hostile. I'm just site seeing. Looking for a permanent home" she said. "In a city ruled by my family? Need I remind you that not long ago you asked for my brother to pardon you in exchange for information?" Elijah said.

"Yeah, I do remember, actually. Which is why I will be leaving in no time" Katherine said with a weak smile. Elijah could tell there was more to it. There was always more to it when it came to Katherine. He watched her, really looked at her. Katherine looked beautiful, with a face that was an exact replica of Elena Gilbert's. But she looked worn, a look that no vampire wore.

Katherine looked tired. It wasn't so obvious, but Elijah knew her all too well. The woman before him was different in some way. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Katherine asked him. he had been staring for so long it became noticeable. "Who are you running from?" Elijah asked her instead. Katherine chuckled unconvincingly, "what makes you think I'm running from anyone?" she countered.

"Do not play me for a fool Katarina. Tell me who you are running from." he demanded. Katherine walked slowly towards him, until she stood so close to him. standing chest to chest, she said, "I used to be able to fool you at some point. Even when you knew I was fooling you, you always played along" running her fingers along his jawline.

It was true. Her relationship with Klaus and Elijah had been a bit complicated. With Klaus wanting to kill her and all. But she and Elijah had shared somewhat of a deeper connection. If she fought with Klaus, she could have a civil conversation with Elijah. She could always get through to him. No matter how many times she betrayed him for her own self preservation, it was as if Elijah understood her.

"That time is long gone" he told her, slowlypushing her away. She scoffed in shock. "Since when?" she asked him with ascowl. "Since there is a lot more at stake" Elijah said. "Or maybe since youfell for your brother's woman. Again." Katherine jabbed. "How many time are you going to pine for every woman your brother has, Elijah?

Tell me, did you even notice Bonnie before your brother did? Or is there only an appeal if he wants her? we are in a new age, Elijah, might I recommend some therapy?" she taunted. Elijah wasn't impressed. After all, he was used to dealing with temperamental vampires. he had his whole life to practice. "I can assure you; I am not pining after my brother's wife. Not this time. As I have already said, there is so much at stake this time, so do make sure to be scarce, Katarina" he told her.

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