Part 50 - Insatiable [Part II]

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This chapter contains explicit sexual content meant for readers 18 and up. Please read content warnings.

CONTENT WARNING: grinding, penetrative sex, no protection, intoxication (aphrodisiac), rough sex, multiple orgasms


It had to be a dream.

His room had a warm glow to it and smelled like Red's perfume. Everything about her was divine; even her beauty was borderline unreal through the lens of the potion. He didn't know it was possible to be this attracted to someone.

The attraction was almost magnetic. He needed her touch. The thought of going without it for even another second was suffocating and all he could do was take heavy breaths of air to stay present. Kirishima wanted nothing more than to be consumed by the devastating pleasure she kept giving him.

"How are you feeling, Eiji? Are you alright?"

"Uh-huh," he said dumbly. His throat felt thick with the taste of sticky sweet peaches. "Fuck, you're pretty."

She laughed at the obvious daze he was in, but the sweet sound was like a damn siren song to him.

"Lemme take these off," he implored, shaking his wrists against the bindings. "It's too hot. I want out of these clothes."

"Oh, of course! Sorry," she said sweetly, reaching up towards the boxing tape binding his hands, but before she could even blink the red hero activated his quirk and shredded right through them. Red's mouth fell open in a small gasp of surprise.

"Right. I forgot that..."

"Forgot about my quirk?" he chuckled.

It sounded silly, but she never really saw him use it. There were hundreds of videos online of him using it in combat, but at home, why would he? The Kirishima she knew was soft. Gentle. The jagged, rock-like appearance of his quirk was so foreign to her.

"So the bindings—"

"Were a reminder for me," he said, climbing to his feet and shedding his clothes. It took a wild amount of willpower to focus on the conversation at hand while his mind was clouded with explicit imagery of fucking his girlfriend's brains out. "I could break out, sure, but knowing they were bound reminded me that I had to be careful."

"Why do you have to be careful?"

"I–I'm not myself," he huffed, slowly crawling onto the bed and on top of her. She took the opportunity to lay flat against the mattress, but seeing her laid out like that for him made him lose even more of a grip on himself. "I... want to be selfish. I can't help it."

"You're still yourself. It's just a different part of you," she reassured. "It's a good thing. You're allowed to be selfish every once in a while, Eiji."

She placed a gentle hand to his bare chest and he stifled a groan. "No, it... I could hurt you." He lowered himself onto his elbows to be closer to her, feeling the sheer fabric of her pretty dress brush against his skin. "You're... you're... so much smaller than me."

"Everyone is, love."

The pet name sent another wave of excitement through his chest. "I know. But you're— you're my girl, and I need to be extra careful or I might—"

"Eijirou," she said calmly, cupping his cheeks and placing a kiss to his lips with such tenderness that his propped arms started to feel wobbly. "You don't need to worry so much."


"Listen to me. It's not a guessing game. If I don't like it, I'll tell you right away and you'll stop. You've always been good to me, and you'll be good to me now, too. Won't you?"

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