Part 24 - Learning Curve

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This chapter contains NSFW content meant for readers 18 and up!


CONTENT WARNING: kissing, vaginal fingering, Kirishima is a pleasure dom


Red learned a few things about Kirishima during his overnight stays.

First: The man eats a lot. Like a lot. She found herself doubling batches of whatever meals they were having because Kirishima would wolf down about triple a normal serving size. It didn't look like he was aware of it, either– whatever food was in front of him eventually found the same fate inside his stomach, and he'd top it off by saying through his final mouthful, "That was amazing!" but Red wasn't sure she believed him. He ate it so quickly, did he even taste it?

Second: He absolutely obliterated toothbrushes. The one he was in current possession of looked like a firework the way the bristles were bent out of shape, and when she told him he should probably think about getting a new one, he shook his head at her. "This one is supposed to last 'til Friday."

Her third realization came in private, while Kirishima was in the shower. Mei texted her a link to a news article with the headline, "DYNAMIGHT AGENCY: RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME!" and Red scanned the article frantically to check for any mention of herself. Luckily, it seemed Tink was in charge of the press for this case: Y/N's name didn't pop up once.

However, it did mention Kirishima. It mentioned Kirishima frequently, in fact, with various complimentary titles. Sweetheart Red Riot. Heartthrob Red Riot. Chivalrous Hero Red Riot. The Handsome Red Riot. It seemed Eijirou had a bit of a reputation.

Curiosity got the better of her, unfortunately.

She searched his name. Articles upon articles popped up, all bearing similarly gushy titles. There was even a photo of him at a beach further down (shirtless, she noticed), with the caption Hero or Hunk? He ranked in the top ten 'Hottest Heroes' and, to her surprise, had millions of Instagram followers. Y/N had to take a deep breath at her third realization: She had severely underestimated his popularity.

The photos on his page were much different from the flirty, shirtless photoshoot pics from the articles. His Instagram was mainly group photos of him with friends— getting drinks, dining out, participating in competitions, and pulling weird faces in all of them. His most liked photos by far were the sweaty gym pics where he stuck his tongue out and flashed peace signs.

At first, she was quite enjoying looking through them. He was just so excited about everything. Her favorite series was him standing in front of various hero statues, pointing at them with sheer enthusiasm and a dropped jaw with the caption, "I know that guy." She counted 12 of them.

Hundreds of thousands of people– men, women, and everything in between– all of them vying for the attention of Kirishima, the man currently in her damn shower. A lot of them were other heroes, too. It seemed there wasn't a soul alive who didn't pine for Red Riot in some kind of capacity.

What had he said to her? I'm crazy about you, Red. This man literally had his pick of the litter, the attention of millions apparently, and here he was, trying to flirt the pants off of her.

"Whatcha doin', little Red?"

Before she even knew he was behind her, he shook her from her thoughts and made her jump, dropping her phone in an anxious panic. "Nothing!" She said, far too quickly, and to her dismay, Kirishima beat her to picking up her phone.

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