Part 44 - Too Tempting

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This chapter contains explicit NSFW content meant for readers 18 and up.

PLEASE READ CONTENT WARNINGS BEFORE CONTINUING. Some NSFW content may not be for everybody. Stay informed and safe!

CONTENT WARNINGS: oral (female receiving), shower head spray as a sex toy


When Y/N woke up, Kirishima wasn't in bed.

She slumped forward and rubbed her eyes, still cloudy from sleep, and frowned when she realized Eijirou wasn't beside her. Where was he?

With sleep still clogged in her limbs, Red shifted to stand and patted across the hardwood floors to the hallway. Once outside of the bedroom she heard it: a very muted thud, thud, thud.

Sunny's tail brushing against her leg drew her attention downwards and the orange kitten mewed back up at her.

"Where's Eiji, huh?" Red asked in her best talking-to-little-animals voice. "Guess your dad ran off without us. How rude."

She scooped the cat up in her arms to snuggle against her chest while she searched the kitchen, the living room, and the bathroom. Still nothing. When she stopped to listen once more she heard it again: thud, thud, thud.

This time, she could identify the source— it was coming from the extra room.

She'd been there over a week and still hadn't seen inside it. It just never came up, really; she assumed it was probably storage at this point, maybe a collection of dusty boxes or an office he refused to use. He did hate paperwork.

Red approached the door and listened briefly. Thud, thud, thud, much easier to hear now that she was close. Soundproofing, she remembered. He said he paid extra to have the whole place soundproofed. No wonder she couldn't hear him before.

She knocked. "Eijirou?"

Some shuffling sounded from inside before the door opened, just enough for Kirishima to slip out into the hallway with her. Y/N had planned to lecture him a bit for not waking her too, but the complaint died in her throat when she glanced up at him.

"G'morning girls! How'd you sleep?" he huffed.

She couldn't respond to that, either. Eijirou was topless and panting, wearing nothing but a sweatband and those skimpy workout shorts. Sweat dripped down his bare chest and his fists were positioned on his waist, his knuckles wrapped in exercise tape. When she finished ogling the sight before her she forced her eyes back to his face. He was flashing her a sharp-toothed grin and she remembered, oh shit, he asked me a question.

"I slept well," she stammered, her cheeks flushed from seeing him like this. "You're exercising?"

"Sure am. Been a while since I got a good workout in with everything goin' on, so I figured I could squeeze one in while you slept. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"I barely heard you, actually. Is that an exercise room?" Y/N peeked around him to catch a glimpse inside, but Eijirou moved his body to block her view.

"Ah, haha, it's... it's messy right now. Gimme one sec."

The redhead slipped back into the room with a nervous smile and closed the door behind him. Muffled sounds of shuffling and a few odd thuds made it through the soundproofing, but the rest was too quiet to hear. After a minute the door slammed open and he gestured to the room with a wide swing of his arm. "Ta-da!"

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