Part 47 - Optimism

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No amount of fidgeting with his hair was going to make Kirishima feel ready, but he fussed with it nonetheless, staring intently at his reflection in the mirror. Despite all their time spent together, this was still technically their first date, and he was determined to sweep her off her feet.

Kirishima was going all out tonight.

The red-haired hero stood up straight and adjusted his suit. He wasn't usually great at dressing fancy; he had a few suits for different agency parties, but this was his first date dressed in one.

Kirishima had always been a bit of a dizzy dreamer, fantasizing about doing everything right to win over the girl: dressing nice, opening doors, paying the bill, maybe getting lucky enough to receive a kiss at the end of the night. As much of a romantic as he was, it was actually his first time going on a real date with a girl he liked. He wanted to do this right.

The hero gave himself an encouraging nod in the mirror before spritzing a bit of cologne— was it too much? he might've put on too much— and slipped out of the bathroom to the living room.

The poor man could barely hold still. Excitement kept him pacing the apartment while he waited for Red, and Sunny darted between his legs to grab his attention. It worked. Kirishima scooped the orange cat into his arms and peppered kisses all across her little head.

"This is gonna be the best date that's ever happened, Sunny," he said seriously. "Everything's ready. Not even I can mess this up. You believe in me, yeah?"

The cat just stared at him, as cats tend to do.

"Yeah, I knew you would. D'you think I can—" He heard the door to their bedroom open and yelped, "Wait wait! Close the door!"

"What? Why?" He heard her ask, but she closed the door as he requested.

Eijirou scrambled down the hallway and stood up straight outside the bedroom door, smoothing his suit and fixing his hair before knocking gently.

"Can I open the door now?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

The door drifted open enough for her to look him up and down. "Look at you. Very handsome, Eijirou."

The reason he had her close it again was so he could act out picking her up for their first date, but the second he got a glimpse of her in that pretty dress and lovely makeup, his brain was fried. The man even had a little speech planned; a silly, "I'm here to pick up Miss Red for her date," but his tongue was tied in his mouth and all he could do was stare at her like an idiot.

"Man, I had a whole thing planned, but you just— wow." He gulped. "You're so pretty, Red."

She smiled at him, completely endeared by his blushing cheeks and fancy suit. "I have something for you."

"For me?"

"For you, hero. You said this was your first real date, and you can't have a first date without—" she reached out of sight briefly before handing him the gift, "—flowers."

Kirishima's eyes went wide when he accepted the bouquet. They weren't real flowers; they were crocheted, neatly crafted and tied with soft red string. A bouquet of handmade red roses, quite small in his big hands but instantly becoming his favorite gift he'd ever received.

"You made these?" he breathed, running his fingers over the flowers made of yarn. "But—"

"Flowers are a staple for your first date. I know you like keeping things, so I made some you wouldn't have to throw away."

The sting in his eyes surprised him. Kirishima leaned his head back quickly, blinking back tears. "Shit! I can't cry on the first date!" He shook his head like a dog, trying to stop the incoming tightness in his throat.

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