Part 20 - Just One

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The end of this chapter contains NSFW content meant for readers 18 and up!


CONTENT WARNING: heavy kissing, grinding, thigh riding


The wine was still in Y/N's system as she scrubbed the dishes.

Kirishima made some kind of phone call--to the agency, Red presumed--and a bag was dropped off outside the parlor with his things. His next call was with Tink, asking her to pick up Sunny for the night. "Make sure you grab the yellow blanket on the couch, she can't sleep without it!" He insisted.

Y/N smiled slightly after overhearing, but continued her task as if she didn't.

"Hey. Is it alright if I take a quick shower? I'm still kinda gross from the fight." He'd snuck up behind her, making her jump slightly– at this point, he might've been doing it on purpose. He did think it was quite cute.

"Yes, of course. Extra towels are in the closet."

He bent down, his chest pressing against her shoulder. "Do you... wanna watch a movie after?" he asked, trying to be casual about it and failing.

The corner of her mouth turned up in a smile. "A movie, huh?"

"Yeah! Should be nice, right? I can even do the whole pretend yawn move and put my arm around you."

That made her laugh, this time turning around to look at him. He was positively beaming at her– God, he'd do pretty much anything to keep her laughing.

"Moves don't work if you keep telling on yourself."

"Oh yeah? Watch me. I'm gonna use it tonight." He swept up his bag and sauntered into her bathroom to shower, retrieving a towel on the way. His heart thumped at the sound of her giggling.

Once the door was closed behind him, he slumped against it and slid to the floor with his face in his hands. "Fuck," he grumbled under his breath, face as flushed as it had ever been. His fingers raked down his face and a long sigh passed his lips. How the hell was he supposed to keep it together with her? Every time she spoke, every little touch, every time she so much as looked at him it felt like he was going crazy.

In less than a few weeks, he was completely smitten. Somehow, Y/N managed to do what dozens of hookups couldn't– he didn't give a single fuck about mystery girl anymore, and he hadn't even slept with Y/N for God's sake. She was all he wanted, and the wine buzzing in his head just made him ache for more of her.

After a few more seconds of basking in his lovesick daze, he huffed and climbed to his feet. He jabbed an accusatory finger in the mirror. "Don't fuck this up, Eijirou."

Kirishima stripped lazily, stumbling a bit from the alcohol still in his bloodstream. After shedding his clothes, another glance in the mirror revealed a gnarly bruise on his hip– suddenly he was rather grateful he didn't actually take his shirt off in front of Red out of fear that she'd find it grotesque. 

His hair was a bit of a mess, too. It fell out of the hair tie ages ago and now the red strands framed his face the way they did in middle school. Another soft sigh fell from his mouth as he pushed his hair back, praying that Red found at least some of this enticing. He hooked the corner of his mouth with a finger and pulled back to glance at the unsightly teeth. Did she find him scary? Rugged?

After seeing him fight, that was likely the case. The mirror reflected his expression falling. Kirishima knew that his appearance changed drastically with his quirk-- normal smiles and touches became jagged and terrifying. What did she think of him?

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