Chapter 18: Orientation part 1

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Ben's pov

Duel Academy looked amazing from the helicopter we had to take in order to get there. The volcano and forest really set a nice looking scene to look at. As the chopper landed I grabbed my bag and followed the rest of the new students to the central building for orientation.

{ " There's something different about this place. I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels different here."} Riley said. He was right I wasn't sure what exactly it was but something here was different than in Domino.

Entering the building I saw other students forming a line to check in. Getting in line I looked around and was impressed at how quickly the segregation Riley had warned me about was coming to pass, he'd said that people would jump at the opportunity to put others down but I didn't think it'd happen this fast. Already the students in Obelisk Blue were separating from those wearing yellow and red. While I figured I wouldn't be in Slifer Red, I didn't think being placed in Ra Yellow would actually be any better despite Riley's insistence it would be. Going by some of the more vocal blues that I'd heard Ra's were called rejects which was almost as bad as Slifer's being called slackers.

{ " You know it truly is impressive that Kaiba created an entirely new form of segregation based on the color of one's jacket entirely accidentally."} Riley remarked as we reached the front of the line. { " I mean most people probably have to put tremendous amounts of effort into creating a divide but Kaiba just casually does it."}

I tell my name to the clerk who after checking a list gets up and goes into a back room. A few seconds later she comes back carrying a white box with a blue line down the center.

" Looks like you were put into Obelisk Blue. The box has your uniform, duel disk and Personal Duel Assistant." She says grabbing a piece of paper and placing it on top of the box. " This paper tells you where your room is and your class schedule. The key should be included in the box."

Thanking the clerk, I was then gestured to a room to change into my uniform. After changing into my uniform I walked out and looked at the other students who had already changed into their uniforms. I was suddenly very glad I didn't go for the coattail option. Seeing nearly every male Obelisk Blue student wearing that version of the jacket made it seem far less cool.

{ " Riley I'm glad I listened to you about the coattails."} I told him. {" Also how did we get into Obelisk Blue? I thought you had to go to a dueling prep school."}

{" Yeah, good thing you did."} He replied. {" I thought so too. Maybe it was the internship though, it also was run  by Kaiba corp just like this place."}

{"Could be."} I said, {"Anyone we need to be worried about?"}

{" I don't really know."} He replied. { Jaden could be a challenge and if Koyo's intern is here he might also be a small challenge, but neither of them scream evil or supernatural to me."}

After a few minutes of waiting all of the freshmen were guided to the auditorium where Chancellor Shepherd introduced himself and gave a speech before dismissing us to go unpack.

Following the directions on the piece of paper the clerk had handed me, I was easily able to locate my new room.

"Damn." Riley said as we looked around the room in awe. " Kaiba really spared no expenses when it came to the Obelisk dorms."

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