Chapter 16: Dining with a King

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Riley's pov
Ben is sixteen.

Zero years till Duel academy

It was my day in the driver's seat of Ben's body and the day of Duel Academy's entrance exams. Ben's parents were out of town on business so we were currently staying with Solomon in his guest room. Despite knowing that in my previous life I tended to test well I was still a little nervous to try and get into a school I'd dreamed of going to for so long. This nervousness caused me to wake up nearly as soon as the sun rose, despite me typically sleeping in much later. Ben was still resting as I got up and proceeded to shower and get ready for the day. Going to Ben's bag where our clothes were packed I was reminded how lucky I got getting thrown into his head. Allowing me to use his body was already extremely generous but he insisted I picked out some clothes and accessories I liked for my days in control of the body. The results were a pretty diverse amount of clothes for both of us to pick from. I put on a pastel blue v neck with an unbuttoned black button up over it, a pair of black jeans and a pair of black and blue running shoes. I also put on a belt specifically designed to hold deck boxes and attached the boxes containing our decks to it. Ben's preferred deck was the brown box, whereas the black deck box contained the deck I'd designed to use the card we'd won at the youth regional tournament years ago. I'd taken it out knowing it would be too powerful to use in the entrance exam.

After getting dressed I headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab myself a bowl of cereal. As I was looking through the pantry for the cereal the bell on the door opened. I turned around and there in the entrance was none other than Yugi Muto.
" Ah you must be Ben." Yugi greeted me warmly, he seemed to radiate both a silent strength and friendliness. " My Grandpa did mention you were staying here for a few days. Him and Joey have told me a lot about you."
"Yeah I'm Ben." I say feeling slightly bad about lying to probably the only person who would understand my situation. " I was going to say the same thing to you. It feels like Joey or your grandpa always has a different story about you to tell."
"You're going to the duel academy entrance exams later today right?" Yugi questioned

" Yup." I replied popping the p.

" Well you'll need more than a bowl of cereal, this is an important occasion." Yugi said while grabbing a pen and scribbling something down on a piece of paper. "Come on I know a great place near the the stadium where they hold the exams." He said as he made his way to the door after setting the note on the counter.

Part of me was curious if this was why Yugi encountered Jaden near the Kaiba Dome in the first and only episode of Gx I'd watched. The other larger part was fan boying over getting to actually meet Yugi.

As we walked towards wherever we were going we made small talk about what we'd been up to recently. He was surprisingly easy to talk to as he told me about his travels and I told him of my part time job as Joey's intern for the duel seminars. After a very long walk we reached a diner I was very familiar with. A favorite of Joey's which was no surprise considering who the owner was.
Walking into the diner we were both greeted by none other than Tristan Taylor, owner of one of the best diners in Domino that he ran with his Wife Serenity Taylor formerly Wheeler. Apparently he had discovered a talent for cooking and decided to open his own restaurant with encouragement from his at the time girlfriend now wife after the events of the original series.

" Yugi it feels like it's been forever man." Tristan said as he and Yugi hugged. " Ben today's the big day right?" He asked me after greeting Yugi.

" Yeah today's the day." I replied.

" Well then you've come to the right place to fuel up." Tristan said " Do you guys want your usuals?"

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