Chapter 04: Shop tournament

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                             Riley's pov


The rest of the week flew by in the face of Ben and I's excitement over the shop tournament. Making sure our deck was in order we left our house and headed over to Kame games.
As we entered the shop Mr. Muto greeted us warmly and let us know that we were the first person there. He put Ben's name down on the sign up sheet and told us we could wait over by the table or look around for a bit while we waited.
" Are you sure we know what we're doing?" Ben asked me as we sat down at the table.
" Of course I'm sure we know what we're doing," I reply, " don't worry worst case scenario you just ask me what to do. I'm pretty confident I can out duel anyone who happens to be participating."
  "Isn't that cheating though." Ben questioned as others started to arrive for the tournament.
" Nope. Yugi did it all the time with the Pharaoh." I say in response to his question. Truth to be told I don't see how anyone would even figure out that I was present much less how they could rule me as illegal. I was basically an alternate personality at the moment rather than a real person.
" Alright everyone," came the voice of Solomon Muto. " I'll call out the first set of matches, as always this is a double elimination tournament so you need to lose twice before you're out."
          The first round matches
         Chris Novak vs Ben Poole
      James Edwards vs Dj Smith
          Wes Henry vs Bianca Star
         Sam Smith vs Dean Shurly
      Howard Cooper vs Hayley Johnson
         Peter Granger vs Harry Parker
        Eric Sanders vs Jake Mahomes
          Julian Snart vs Ethan Allen

Locating Chris was easy enough and after shuffling each other's decks and a quick game of rock-paper-scissors we were ready to play.
" Duel" All three of us said simultaneously even though only Ben could hear me.
" I draw." Ben declared drawing a card from the top of our deck.
Since we had won we got to go first. Our opening hand wasn't too bad.
   Ben/Riley's hand : Pot of Greed, Emissary of the Afterlife, Imaginary Actor, Defense draw, polymerization and Pitch Dark Dragon.
"To start things off I play the magic card Pot of Greed which lets me draw two cards." Ben said drawing Dark Blade and Bad Aim. "Next I'll activate Polymerization to fuse the Dark blade in my hand with Pitch Dark Dragon to summon Dark Blade the Dragon Knight in attack mode."
" Ben set Emissary of the Afterlife, Defense draw and Bad Aim." I said before he could end his turn there. " And use the phrase Turn end instead of I end turn. It'll sound cooler."
"All right Riley if you say so." Ben told me as he then continued out loud. " Then I'll set a monster in defense mode and place these two cards face down. Turn end."
Chris drew for turn and activated Tribute to the Doomed designating Dark Blade the Dragon Knight.
Ben began to get worried so I figured I better chime in. " Activate Bad Aim. Which allows you to redirect any effect that would destroy a card(s) to a different card" I said, " change the target to Emissary of the Afterlife."
Ben made the play I suggested and then searched for Snake Clown and showed it to Chris. Chris opted to search for Hitotsu-me Giant.
Chris then set a monster in defense mode and placed a single facedown and ended his turn. Ben started our turn by drawing Wind up Knight.
Ben then proceeded to summon wind up Knight and entered the battle phase.
" Wind up Knight attack his face down monster." Ben and I both said in unison. Chris flipped up his facedown monster to reveal Magician of Faith which let him add Tribute to the Doomed back to his hand.
" Dark Blade the Dragon Knight attacks directly." The attack went through and dropped Chris down to 1800 life points.
" Turn end"  We declared.
Chris drew another card and immediately activated Tribute to the Doomed again this time successfully destroying my Dark Blade the Dragon Knight. The. He summoned Luster Dragon and entered his Battle phase.
" Luster Dragon attack Wind up Knight." Chris declared.
" Not so fast Wind up Knight's effect can negate one attack while it's on the field." Ben and I said, " so naturally I'll be using it here to stop your dragons attack."
"I end my turn with another face down." Chris said.
Ben and I drew our second copy of Pot of Greed which we immediately played to draw Anti Magic Arrows and Tribute to the Doomed. Playing tribute to the Doomed we discarded Snake Clown, and destroyed Luster dragon. As Ben and I entered our battle phase we activated Anti Magic Arrows and proceeded to attack directly with Wind up Knight for game.
After that the rest of the matches went relatively similar. Ben and I would call out a monster or two early on and control the flow of the match ultimately winning the whole tournament without losing once. Yugi's grandpa seemed very impressed with us so that was a plus.
" Alright Mr. Poole as the winner of the tournament you get this special promo pack sent to me by Maximilian Pegasus." Solomon announced after we had won the last match. He held out a booster pack that had the words Promo Set on it in gold lettering.
  Ben took the package as he thanked Mr. Muto for it. Meanwhile I was questioning what the hell could possibly be in it. After all we had seen Pegasus himself come to deliver it to Solomon Muto in addition to other promo packs and rare cards. Ben tore open the pack and we looked at the five cards in it.
Promo pack cards : Nightmare Magician, Eye of Illusion, Magical Contract Door, Astral Barrier, and Spirit Barrier.
" Well this changes things." I said looking at the Illusionist monster that also didn't exist in my world. " This is totally going in our deck."

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