Chapter 17: Entrance Exams

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Riley's  pov
  After checking in and having my deck looked at to make sure it was compliant with the current ban list, I was taken to a room with multiple desks spread out and handed the written exam. Taking my seat I began looking at the questions. An unsurprising amount about the history of duel monsters that was multiple choice and then some free response questions on various scenarios that could occur during duels. All of that was expected but what wasn't expected was all of the questions on Science Technology, Math, English, Geography and other subjects. Thankfully Ben and I had prepared quite thoroughly for literally anything to be on the test and I had already lived through highschool once so I knew more than enough to answer all of the questions and be semi confident in my answers but test anxiety was a thing and I had someone who could check my work.
" Ben, wake up!" I mentally shouted at him after an hour. Just to be safe I would have him check my work now that I was done. " Listen I know it's your day off but I would rather you double check my work really fast."
" Jeez I'm up now, no need to keep shouting." Ben replied as he briefly looked through my answers having me move the test when needed. " You got questions 9, 26, 57,103, and 130 wrong. The answers are A, C, B, D, C, respectively. The free response portion is fine."
  Ben then went back to sleep as I got up and turned in the test to the administrator overseeing the test. After which I was led to the arena where the practical exam would take place. One of the staff members informed me that I would have to wait until everyone else finished their exams so that the noise from the practical portion didn't hamper the concentration of those still taking the written exam. Which I guess made some sense as some cards could be pretty noisy on the duel disks, Command Silencer in particular came to mind.
As I walked into the stands I saw another boy sitting there apparently also having finished his test early. He introduced himself as Bastion Miswa.
  After about an hour of waiting more applicants started to join us. Another half hour after that and everyone had finished the written exam.  Unfortunately for me and Bastion finishing the written exam early did not in fact let us take the practical exam first. Instead we had to go alphabetically by our last name. Which meant that because I didn't exist in this world I had to wait for P to come up, instead of G. I mean this was ridiculous especially because if I was remembering correctly Bastion was the last to duel before Jaden arrived. Eventually after what was probably another half hour of waiting Bastion was called up to duel and then midway through his duel I finally heard my name get called. As I went down towards the arena field I was called to, I put on the battle city style duel disk all applicants were assigned to use to ensure that no one cheated. I took the elevator I was directed to and arrived in the arena. Looking across I was mildly shocked to see Midori Hibiki, who I only recognized because Koyo had once showed me a picture while bragging about her during an event he and Joey did together. Wonder if I'd run into Koyo's intern at duel academy.
" Hello Ben right?  I'm Professor Hibiki if you should pass I will be your English teacher." Midori introduced herself.
" It's nice to meet you." I responded. This would be an easy enough duel, from what I remembered while researching Darklords before I died she was the only notable user and I was willing to bet money she was using them here. " I hope I'll enjoy your class."
"Well then since you're so confident let's get this over with." Midori started.
"Duel !" We both said in unison as we drew our hands.
"As per the rules of this exam you take the first move." Midori declared.
"Alright then I draw." I said drawing a card and then looking at my hand which consisted of: Reinforcement of the army, Different Dimension Capsule, Gold Sarcophagus of Sealing, Pyro Clock of Destiny, Pot of Greed, and Waboku.
" I'll start off by activating Reinforcement of the Army, this spell will let me add one level four or lower warrior from my deck to my hand." I declared while searching my deck for Silent Swordsman Lv.0, " I'll add my Silent Swordsman Lv.0 to my hand. Then I'll play pot of Greed to draw two more cards."
I drew Blizzard and Bad Aim. Thinking carefully I considered the possible moves I could make. After all I couldn't exactly afford to mess up here.
" I'll summon Silent Swordsman Lv.0 in attack mode next I'll activate Gold Sarcophagus of sealing. This card allows me to pick any card from my deck and seal it into the Sarcophagus and if a card with the same name is played I can negate it."
I placed Monster Reborn in the seal, figuring if she was playing Darklords then she would try to send a monster to the graveyard in order to revive it.
" Next I'll activate Different Dimension Capsule which let's me take any card in my deck and remove it from play but on my second standby phase after playing this card it will be added to my hand. I'll set three face downs. Turn end." I said feeling pretty confident, since I had placed Silent Magician Lv.0 in Different Dimension Capsule.
Midori drew her card and began her turn. " First off I'll activate Foolish Burial to send Darklord Morningstar to the Graveyard. Then I'll play Monster Reborn to revive it."
" Well that was fast, unfortunately for you I placed Monster Reborn inside the Gold Sarcophagus so you can't use it." I declare.
" In that case I'll summon Shining Angel in attack mode and attack your Swordsman." Midori said
"I activate Waboku which prevents me from taking damage and protects my monsters from being destroyed by Battle." I call out, sweeping my hand outward in a dramatic manner. " Then I'll chain The trap Pyro clock of destiny this advances the turn counter by one set of turns."
(Silent Swordsman Lv.0 became Silent Swordsman Lv.1 gaining five hundred attack points bringing it up to 1500 attack points.)
"I'll set two cards face down and end my turn." Midori declared with an odd look on her face.
As I drew my copy of Card of sanctity, Different Dimension Capsule activated adding Silent Magician Lv.0 to my hand.
(Silent Swordsman Levels up to Level 2 and gains five hundred attack points bringing it to 2000 attack points.)
"I'll start my turn by summoning Silent Magician Lv.0 in attack mode and then I'll activate Card of Sanctity. This allows both players to draw until they hold Six cards." I say as I noticed Jaden finally arriving while Midori and I draw our cards. " Silent Magician Lv.0's effect let's it level up each time you draw a card. So it levels up five times."
( Silent Magician Lv.0 becomes Silent Magician Lv.5 it's attack becomes 3500)
My hand currently consisted of: Tailor of the Fickle, Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Crystal Girl, Giant Germ , and Ice Barrier. The next move is obvious, I grab Heavy Storm and slide it in my Duel disk. " I'll play my heavy storm to destroy all spell and trap cards on the field." I state as the wind starts to pick up around me before abruptly stopping.
" I activate the trap High Speed Aria this lets me send a spell from my hand to the graveyard to apply its effects and I'm sending my De-spell to negate your heavy storm." Midori said. " However I can't play any spells on my next turn."
" I play Lightning Vortex. By discarding a card I can destroy all monsters my opponent controls." I say as I slide Lightning Vortex into the duel disk.
Midori's face falls as her Shining Angel is hit by the lightning from my cards.
"Silent Magician and Swordsman attack her directly Silent sword slash and Silent Burning attack." I called out.
" Go Command Silencer." Midori said as the familiar totem appeared. Before it could screech I activated my facedown. The totem began to freeze as the temperature dropped and snow began to blew through the field.
" I'll play my facedown Blizzard which nullifies your spell and any cards with the same name for the rest of the turn." I explained as my spell as my monsters reduced her life points to zero.
After my exam concluded I headed back up to the stands. I made it back up there just in time to see Jaden's Flame Wingman deliver the final attack on Ancient Gear Golem. Which was bittersweet as I hadn't seen any of GX past the first episode, meaning my knowledge of what was to come was now completely obsolete.
After Jaden made his way back up to the stands we were all informed by one of the staff to head down to the lobby where the people at the check in desk would tell us if we passed or failed.
As I got up to head that towards the lobby I caught sight of Jaden chatting with Syrus and Bastion. Thankfully I made it to the desk before a big line had formed.
" What's your name?" The lady at the desk asked.
" Ben Poole." I replied.
" Well you passed with flying colors. Only three others scored higher than you on the written exam and you defeated your opponent in the practical exam." The clerk said after looking through some papers.
After the clerk finished explaining when and how to get to Duel academy I thanked her and left the Kaiba Dome. Exiting I saw Solomon waiting for me.
" So how'd you do?" He asked
" I passed with flying colors according to the clerk." I responded. " I'll get my official ranking during orientation.
" That's great news. I never doubted you for a second. Come on Yugi's waiting for us around the corner." Solomon said as he began walking. " He didn't want to draw too much attention  but I'm sure he'll be happy for you."
As we walked around the corner Yugi seemingly appeared out of nowhere and fell in step with us.
" I take it by the smile on your face that you passed." Yugi said warmly.
" Yeah." I replied, " the cards you gave me helped a lot. So thanks again."
" You're welcome." Yugi said before continuing, " did you happen to see a boy named Jaden Yuki there?"
" Yeah he was the last person to take the practical test." I replied, " he passed that but I didn't see him during the written exam. Why do you know him?"
" I actually met him briefly today on my way back here." Yugi said. " He said he was running late to the exams so I was curious to know if he made it or not."
As we eventually made it back to Kame Games and spent the rest of the day celebrating.


Author's Note:
Alright so I should probably explain why Midori went down so easily despite her being fairly strong in the manga. What's important to remember is that in this story Koyo isn't in a coma due to mysterious reasons, in fact he's maintaining a solid number two ranking in the pro league with his Elemental Hero The Earth(aka terra firma). Without the need to save Koyo driving her, she isn't as strong a duelist. Riley on the other hand not only has knowledge on what she plays since he looked into the arch type before he died but this is also the closest thing to a must win duel he's played where if he loses he's failed so he's playing to win in the fastest most efficient manner possible. He is also playing a deck Yugi helped him tune up, even without his Ace monster it's now a fairly solid deck. Also people who went to Duel prep school didn't have to take the practical exam. That's why we don't see Alexis or Chazz duel. despite the fact that Alexis having the last name Rhodes would go after him. Ironically Jaden having the last name Yuki would've had to duel last even if he hadn't shown up late.

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