Dual Persona Prologue

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                                Battle City

   "Alpha the magnet warrior attack Seeker directly!" Yami Yugi declared.
Alpha the magnet warrior's attack connected with the rare hunter. Who instinctively threw his hands up in an attempt to shield himself while inadvertently scattering his deck amongst the crowd that had been watching the duel. A young boy six years old picked up five of the cards that had landed near him.
They were : Left leg of the forbidden one, Right leg of the forbidden one, Left arm of the forbidden one , Right arm of the forbidden one, and Exodia the forbidden one.
The boy tried to make his way through the crowd to return them but by the time he had fought his way to the front it was to see the owner of the cards being taken away. Realizing there was nothing he could do now the boy decided to keep the cards.
  " Ben it's time to go home." The boy's mother called out. Quickly Ben turned and ran towards his mother so that they could go back to their house.
  Over the next couple of days the Exodia cards went everywhere Ben went he always seemed to have them on him. He didn't even play Duel Monsters but the cards had become important to him. Which was why he was holding them as he watched the Battle city semifinal match between Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba. The duel was amazing, both Slifer the Sky dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor had been summoned and were now attacking each other. As the Gods clashed uncaring of the consequences reality rippled before their might.
  Ben suddenly had a massive headache. Then as quickly as it had appeared it was gone.

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