Chapter 14: Regional finals

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Riley's pov

{ " What are you doing? "} Ben asked. { " You could've summoned Nightmare Magician last turn and been in a better position."}
{" Well ideally trying to get him so frustrated he'll slip up and admit he's cheating, which will get him disqualified."} I replied. {" But if that doesn't pan out, I'm trying to get him to convince himself he can't win through any means other than Nightmare Magician."}
" I'll set a monster face down and set two facedowns to end my turn." Damien said.
" I draw." I declared, drawing Command Silencer. " Battle Metarion Ladonstar attacks your set monster."
" I activate my trap Waboku." Damien said his trap shielding his Witch Of The Black Forest
" I switch Magician of Faith to defense mode and set a card. Turn end." I said setting Command Silencer.
{ " I don't get it."} Ben said confusion radiating through his side of the link.
{ " I can't block his board breakers forever but I've blocked enough he'll think I can. If he stops trying to cheat he'll become unpredictable so I need to give him an alternative strategy in this case taking Nightmare Magician."} I explained watching as Damien drew his card. { " Discarding it in the way I did should tell him I'm not taking him seriously which will enrage him."}
" My turn." Damien said. " I play Monster Reborn to revive your Nightmare Magician. Now, battle Nightmare Magician attacks Metarion Ladonstar.   Nightmare Magician's ability activates, I destroy your Magician of Faith."
{ " See now he's got Nightmare Magician."} Ben said clearly unhappy I let his ace get stolen. While I didn't feel the warm sensation he described when using the card, I did feel his joy whenever he drew or summoned it so I kinda understood why he wasn't happy with me.
{ " Relax, my set card is Owner's Seal I just needed him to field our monsters so I could create an opening to take him out in one move."} I explained to Ben. His mood mildly improved as he realized my plan.
  (Riley's LP:4000) (Damien's LP:3400)
" You should know Nightmare Magician's other effect so I'll be taking Metarion Ladonstar." Damien declared as Metarion Ladonstar went over to his side of the field. " Metarion Ladonstar attack directly."
" I activate Command Silencer." I declared as the totem appeared above me and let out a loud noise stopping the attack. " This stops your attack and let's me draw a card."
I looked at the card I drew, Mystical Space Typhoon which was perfect since my last facedown was Owner's Seal which under most circumstances was relatively useless but given the amount of existing cards that could steal my monsters wasn't obsolete like in my world, so as long as I drew a spell or trap I would be fine.
" I end my turn." Damian said looking even more frustrated than before.
" My move, first I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your facedown." I declared not bothering to look at what I drew as I basked in the feeling of triumph that was surging through me. " Next I'll activate my facedown Owner's Seal which returns control of all monsters back to their owner."
Nightmare Magician and Metarion Ladonstar returned to my side of the field.
" No no no. I can't lose." Damien said panicking as he started to collapse to his knees realizing he was done for despite his cheating.
" I expected more, now lose the game." I coldly declared smirking as I ordered my monsters to attack. Walking over to Damien who seemed too mentally broken to stop me as I reached for his collar and found the hidden pocket he'd used to hide one of the cards he'd replaced for heavy storm. Grabbing it I showed it to the tournament official as proof he was cheating.
"  It appears that Damien was cheating and as such will be disqualified." The announcer said as he began to announce what this meant. Largely nothing except now there would be no runner up. " Now Yako Tenma from Industrial Illusions will present the special prize to this year's winner."
{ " Wait a second, Ben did he just say Yako Tenma? "} I asked feeling like the name sounded  familiar.
{ " Yeah why do you recognize the name? "} Ben asked.
{ " The name sounds familiar but I'm not sure why."} I replied.
A young man of average height with silver-green hair trailing down his back wearing a closed pink coat and white gloves, pants and shoes came out of the tunnel holding a trophy with a card in it. Unfortunately I now remembered where I heard his name, he was the guy from the R manga with those awesome evil god cards. I guess in this timeline where Pegasus didn't die he would have no reason to go evil but he'd still be a massive threat if he possessed the Wicked Avatar.
{ " Ben, I remember why that name sounds familiar. This guy's the villain in one of Yugi's adventures, he's got cards that are equal to or in some cases outright surpass the Egyptian God cards." } I explained  trying to think of any way to take down all of the Wicked gods in case I had to duel this guy down the line. { " We should avoid dueling him for now if possible."}
" Ben Poole it's nice to meet you." Yako warmly greeted me extending a hand for me to shake. " Max told me you ended up with the Imaginary Actor that my brother and I designed. I'm glad it ended up with someone like you, anyhow here's the prize for winning the tournament it's a special one of a kind card designed by a late coworker of mine please take good care of it."
Yako handed me the trophy with the card he was carrying. As soon as I grabbed the card to look at it I felt a sense of tiredness come over me for a few seconds before it went away and was replaced with a rather pleasant sensation of a cold breeze.
" Thank you, I promise to take good care of it." I said, while staring at the card it's art work was stunning. " It was nice to meet you, thanks for designing Imaginary Actor it's one of my favorites. Please pass my thanks on to your brother."
" Your welcome." Yako said smiling. " I'll make sure to let Gekko know."
Yako turned and departed out the tunnel he came from. I headed towards the where I saw Ben's parents so we could go home.

Author's Note:
So this took a lot longer to finish then I thought it would. I've got the next chapter mostly done which is gonna cover events that take place during the remaining years till duel academy so that should be out by Thursday. So how'd you all like seeing Yako from the Yu-Gi-Oh R Manga, in this because Pegasus isn't dead Yako has no reason to go evil so he's loyally working for Industrial Illusions as part of upper management along with his brother Gekko but I thought he'd be a cool addition both to give Riley a little mini freak out and further tie Yu-Gi-Oh Gx to the original Yu-Gi-Oh.

Question: Should Chazz use his Manga deck but with Ojamas or stick with his Anime deck but have Light and Darkness dragon?

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