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Eat At Baratie!

The Tears of Love Aren't the Only Thing Falling

He saw her red curls first. He closed the door behind him, slowly walking over and lowering himself to the chair next to her, he pulled it closer.

He inched towards her hand, grabbing it.

"Lo siento." He mumbled into her knuckles.

Tears grew in his eyes. He raised his head, slightly tilting it up to look at the ceiling, he waited for the tears to stop.

He looked back down at her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

He picked her hand up again, covering it with his two hands.

He watched her take soft breaths, her chest slowly rising then falling, he looked at her eyelashes that rested beautifully on her cheeks, he dropped his eyes to her freckles, he smiled.
After leaving Kaya's she had yet to cover them.

He smiled.
"Mucho mejor."
"What was wrong before?"
"You were covered in blood, and makeup. You know i dont like that stuff on you."
He ran his thumb over her freckles, that he saw so rarely. Valeriña smiled at him.

Zoro smiled slightly at the memory before it dropped, leaving his eyes but it stayed floating in his memories.

"Estoy haciendo esto por nosotros, Lia. Para ti."
He spoke quietly.

He raised their connected hands, he pressed his lips to them, keeping them there.

"Te quiero mucho, Lía."

He loves her. He always knew they loved each other but they never truly said it. He said he loves her and she didn't even know. They had only said it as friends, but they've never been just friends.
They were best friends, soulmates, lovers, partners.
And that would never change.

If he lost her, he would lose himself.


Zoro had his three katanas, plus Valeriñas, he easily ready to make her proud. He walked towards Mihawk, Luffy and Usopp trailing behind them.

They stood on a deck, still walking closer.

"Monkey D. Luffy. I'm surprised the Marines would require my service for such a small package. Though I do like your hat." Mihawk said, as Zoro stood closer than Usopp and Luffy.

"Enough. Let's begin."

Mihawk pulled off his big cross, revealing a small hidden blade inside of it.

"I'm here for a sword fight." Zoro said to him.

"I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon."

Zoro pulled out both his katanas.
"I'm no rabbit."

"That remains to be seen." His opponent uttered.

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