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The Man in the Straw Hat

—————————————————————Buggy The Clown——————

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Buggy The Clown

When Valeriña woke up, she found the rest of the group passed out in some wooden box.

She felt Luffy wake up in her mind, but crawled over to Zoro, resting a hand on his thigh.
"Zoro." Zoro.

She whispered into his mind and his ear.

He lifted his head, looking around before his eyes fell on Valeriña. He rested his hand on hers, which was still on his thigh. You okay? I'm fine, are you?
He nodded at her, looking around for his swords.

"They took my swords." He told Luffy, looking at Valeriña to see if she had hers.

She shook her head but smirked a tiny bit.
Took my katanas, but left a dagger, by accident.

Nami, who had been awakened by Luffy, spoke. "And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear."

Luffy slapped a hand on his head, then sighed.
"They didn't take my hat."

Nami looked weirdly at him. "Yeah, small blessings."

Dumbasses are gonna feel my small blessing when I shove it through their cabezas. Valeriña thought happily about her forgotten dagger.

Zoro shook his head at her thoughts.

"Damn it, we've lost the map." Nami said, getting up.

"No!" Luffy jumped up, slamming his head to the top of the box. Valeriña snorted at him.

"No, we didn't. It's in a safe place." He gestured to his stomach. "Ew" Nami mumbled.

Zoro, who was ignoring the conversation around him, punched the wall a few times.

"Hey! Stop. Stop that. Stop that." Nami whispered at Zoro, urgently, when he didn't stop, she looked at Valeriña.

Oye, Roronoa! Joder, Déjalo."
Zoro stopped immediately at Valeriñas threatening tone, he looked towards Nami.

"What? I'm trying to find a way out."

"Estúpido. We need a plan." Valeriña said to Zoro, done with his bullshit. Nami agreed with her.

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