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The Chef and The Chore Boy

Friends Forever?

The two boys carried their friend inside.

"Easy! Easy! Easy. Easy. Don't drop him!" Nami directed the two boys as they carried Zoro inside.

"I didn't, he's really heavy. I mean, he's got a really big head. Its, like, freakishly big.'' Usopp rambled, dropping him on the table.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Nami asked as she ran across the room for supplies.

"Zoro? Hey, can you hear me? Riña's gonna be so mad." Luffy statted, worrying.

"Where's the first aid kit?" Usopp yelled out to Nami, as she ran around the room.

"Do we even have a first aid kit? Valeriña usually sews us up with sewing thread." Nami asked.

The conversation was blocked out by Luffy, who was focusing on Zoro. "Zoro?" He mumbled to him.
He backed away, as Nami pulled back his shirt.

"We need more towels." Usopp said. Nami spoke to him, rushedly "We need a doctor. Or Valeriña."

Luffy. He jumped as he heard Valeriñas' voice in his head.
Luffy can you hear me?
I need you to run to me and Zoro's room and grab my bag, the tan one. He took off, Nami and Usopp yelling out to him, but he ignored them.

Luffy ran back in with her bag.
He ran towards Namk, giving her the bag.

Nami pulled out a few items, yelling at Luffy. "Luffy, someone has to go back to Baratie."

"Um, I'm not really hungry right now, Nami." Luffy said. "Not for food! Maybe one of the customers is a ship's doctor." "Right. A doctor."
He glanced back at the unconscious body.
"We need a doctor.


"Help! Help!"
Luffy yelled, running into the kitchen.

"Help! Zoro and Valeriña they need a doctor. She passed out and wouldn't wake up, but she's not died. And he got into a fight with this warlord guy, but he lost. And now he's bleeding from everywhere—"

"Whoa. Whoa. Slow down, chore boy." The chef interupted. "I can't understand a word your saying."

"My friend is dying. And i dont know whats wrong with Riña." "Nearest doctors on the Conomi Islands. Its a two day sail from here." The chef told him.

"That's too long." Luffy said, sadly.

"I can't help you, I hope your friends make it.
Where do you think you're going?"
The chef asked Sanji as he walked towards Luffy.

"To help Chore boy's friends."
"Brunch isn't gonna prep itself."

"You always told me to feed anyone who's hungry. I don't see how this is any different." The chef sighed at Sanji's words.

"Fine. Bring me my kitchen knives and a bottle of our best whiskey. And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler, the bigger the better."

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