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The Chef and The Chore Boy

———————————————Conscious again——————————

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Conscious again


Valeriñas' candy apple eyes flickered a few times, eyelashes falling over her cheeks, before they opened.

She started up at what looked like a wood ceiling. The last thing she remembered was watching the little blonde girl that was covered in blood, fall to the ground.

Everything was silent, her mind had never been silent.
Her whole life she always heard thoughts or felt feelings of the people around her, but now she felt nothing, she just felt fine.

She was on something soft, a bed. She raised herself up, glancing around the room. It was Nami's room on the ship.

Then she saw Zoro. "Fuck."

She pushed herself up more, leaning over his unconscious body. "What the fuck?" She mumbled to herself. His shirt was open, he had a huge bandage wrapping around his middle.
"Fuck did you do, you idiot?"

She pushed his shirt away slightly, seeing a little blood poke through the bandage. She looked down at his hand, it was also covered in some cloth, it was almost bright red.

"Fucking hell, Zoro." She groaned at him, grabbing his hand, lifting the cloth to check the wound.

It was deep, and not stitched. Whoever did his other stitches just didn't do his hand.

"Dios." She grumbled, setting his hand down, she checked his pulse, it was fine, stable.

She stood, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his forehead, slightly brushing her hand in his hair. She needed to figure out what the hell happened when she was unconscious, so that meant she had to find Luffy.

The second she thought of Lyffy she felt his presence, so she followed it, he was on the ship. She took one more look at Zoro, before walking out of the door, and towards the kitchen.



She was attacked by Luffy, as he jumped into her arms. She hugged him back. "Hi?" She said, looking around the room.

Nami was looking worried, but seemed happy to see her, Usopp smiled at her softly, and the blonde waiter from earlier was in there.

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