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Tell No Tales

———————————Blood, Demons, Gore———————

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Blood, Demons, Gore

Zoro pulled himself over and his body wanted nothing more than to collapse on the ground and sleep for a few hours but his heart wanted her.

Valeriña was sprinting forward and all her body wanted to do was to find a soft bed to sleep on for a few hours but her heart wanted him.

Zoro could feel her there before she spoke.
He looked up at the sound of her voice and started to stumble to her. She caught him in her arms.

"I thought you were dead. Dios mío, pensé que te había perdido."

One of her hands was wrapped around his torso and one around his shoulder as it rested on his head. His head rested on hers, his hands loosely held her.

"Ro?" Valeriña softly spoke a few minutes later.
They had both explained their best attempt at what the hell was going on. He hummed too tired to talk.

"We have to go, the others might be in trouble." She ran a hand through his dirty hair as he pulled away gently, not wanting to leave her embrace yet.

She stood before helping him stand and letting him lean on her slightly, as they took off toward where they believed the house was.


They had both taken down a Marine, silently.
After getting lost they found Luffy surrounded by marines.

They accidentally got the attention of Luffy and the other few remaining marines.  "Hey, haircut." Zoro rasped walking forward with his hand on his sword.

Valeriña looked at him. Even after getting smacked over the head, and falling down a well a few times, he still managed to look attractive.

She walked forward with Zoro when a happy Luffy called out "Zoro, Riña!"

"Hey Luffy" Valeriña said walking closer to him as Zoro glocked the dude with the bad haircut in the face. Luffy jumped up and hugged Valeriña before looking between Zoro and her.

"How'd you know where to find me?"

"We didn't." Zoro grumbled, knowing Valeriña was about to go off about how he got them lost.

"He got us lost." Classic Lía.

Luffy took off first, Valeriña and Zoro followed him. Zoro was about to make a joke about how attractive Valeriña thought he was earlier when a voice stopped him. "Hold it right there!" The final marine barely managed to squeak out.

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