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Eat At Baratie!

————————————Penny For Your Thoughts?——————————

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Penny For Your Thoughts?

Valeriña saw Luffy leaning at the edge of the railing, picking at a loose piece of straw on his hat, staring at it, stuck in his thoughts. Valeriña managed to block out his thoughts as she took her spot next to him.

"You're not gonna throw it over, are you, that hat is nice on you." Valeriña said, nudging his shoulder, trying to diffuse the tension. He glanced at her with a small smile. "Of course not!" He exclaimed, quietly.

They stayed like that for a minute or two before Valeriña went to talk again but was interrupted by Luffy. "I know what you wanna talk about"

"I don't know how that's possible, seeing as I don't even know exactly what I wanna talk about."

Luffy looked at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I could ask you why you haven't talked since the attack, or I could ask you about your 'grandfather', but I think i wanna talk about what's going on with you and Usopp."

Luffy blushed a dark red, not oblivious like Usopp. He looked out at the ocean smiling before looking back at Valeriña sadly. "He likes Kaya."

Valeriña frowned gently at him. "Well if he liked Kaya so much why would he come with us?"

Luffy took a second to answer. "He wants to be like his dad, Yassop, and he wants adventure, he doesn't like me. He doesn't even think I'm good enough to be captain."

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, but for the record Usopp does think your good enough to be captain, and so does Nami and Zoro, and you know what i think"

He was staring at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"I think you're too good to be Captain and I know you are way better than good enough to be king of the pirates. It doesn't matter if Usopp doesn't, it doesn't matter if Nami doesn't and it definitely doesn't matter if that old fuckhead doesn't believe you can because, I will, Luffy."

When Valeriña was done with her speech she looked over at a silent, almost tear stricken Luffy. He didn't waste a second wrapping his arms around her.

He pulled back after a second, when they heard Usopp screech "Me!" They laughed softly together. "Thank you, Riña" Her eyes softened and she smiled at him. "Of course, hermanito"

S.O.S-Roronoa Zoro-(Under Construction)Where stories live. Discover now