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The Chef and The Chore Boy

———————————————New Start

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New Start... Probably Not

Usopp and Luffy left to go buy food. The second the door shut, Valeriña smacked Zoro's arm.

"Ow! I was expecting a kiss, not that."

She ignored his flirtation, exclaiming at him.
"You fucking idiota! What is your problem, you could have died. Did you wanna die? You would have left me-"

Suddenly his lips were against hers.

Zoro had sat up slightly, using all of his strength to kiss her, he pulled away after a few seconds, only a few inches away from her.

"I would never leave you."
He mumbled to her lips. Valeriña opened her eyes to look at him, and gently pushed him onto the bed, so he was lying down, flat on his back, again.

She leaned over him, making sure to stay away from his wound, she kissed him again, hard.

Valeriña pressed her body against his, staying away from the wound, she melded her mind with his.

She continued to deepen the kiss slightly, her mouth moving slowly and affectionately against his.

They had kissed a few times before, but never this passionately, his lips were slightly chapped, but she cherished every touch they had for as long as she could.

He pulled her onto his lap, wanting her closer, she tried to pull away, not wanting to hurt him, but he kept her close.

"I don't want to hurt-" "Shut up." Zoro grumbled, pressing his warm mouth back to hers.

Valeriña stayed on his lap, leaning in as he tried to deepen the kiss, she continued to kiss him for a second but then purposely lightly stuck her elbow onto his wound, making him groan onto her lips, from the pain.

She got off his lap, hiding her smirk. "You did that on purpose." He accused, laying back with his eyes closed. "Maybe, maybe not. You need to rest." She said to him, about to leave, he pulled her back onto the bed. "Ro-." She started to complain.

He shushed her, pressing his lips to hers.
"Are we gonna talk about it this time?" He asked, pressing another kiss to her lips.

"Probably not." She guessed, assuming they would be too busy to talk, or at least that's what they would agree with so they didn't have to talk about it. She kissed him once more, a chaste peck, before pulling away, he started to complain but she shushed him.

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