You got a problem; that's your issue

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I climbed off the bike and pondered if I should run or not. Cress swung his leg over his Harley and pointed to the front door of the clubhouse. I guess running is out. I sighed, hiked up the steps into the clubhouse, and stopped. More big, burly men lingered around the clubhouse.

Track set my suitcase and backpack on the floor beside me. At least he didn't toss them down like a giant behemoth.

Cress stepped beside me. "Listen up! This girl beside me is Hawk Pierce's daughter, Nova. She's staying with Wren until she graduates high school. No one is to lay a hand on her. Got me?"

"Yes, Prez," everyone answered.

Kendall strolled from a room with a bottle of pop and stopped. All the guys in the room disappeared like Houdini, leaving me alone with Cress and Kendall.

"I'll be in my office. Next, time check the bathroom window," Cress told Kendall.

I arched my brow at Kendall as Cress headed to his office. "You sent Daddy to find me?"

"I don't chase chicks. You ran. I sent my dad to retrieve you." Kendall shrugged and sipped his pop.

"You walked out while I was eating." I folded my arms.

"I figured you were done. That's why I tossed cash on the counter."

"You left after I mentioned Cindy Lou."

"Do you always bring up past history?"

"Only when a guy doesn't explain."

"I told you the truth. What more is there to explain?"

I pursed my lips and pondered Kendall's question. I didn't have the energy to argue with him about Cindy Lou. Doesn't she have a Grinch to deal with?

Kendall strolled toward me and leaned into me. "You'll have a challenging time here if you don't play nice."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a promise."

"Oh, brother." I rolled my eyes. "Is this where I fall madly in love with you?" I clasped my hands and batted my lashes.

"Not yet, but you will." Kendall smirked.

"Dream on. Please tell me there's stuff to do here besides what I already saw, which is nothing."

"It's not like Stanwood is a big town."

"No shit. I blinked and missed it."

Kendall arched his brow.

Before I could say anything, Wren stormed into the clubhouse and stood before me with her arms folded across her chest. She didn't seem happy. "What the hell were you thinking, Nova?"

"I was thinking if I left, no one would have any trouble." I shrugged.

Aunt Wren gave me the stink eye. "That's where you're wrong. Hawk will blow a nut if you disappear. He only agreed to you staying with me because you want your senior year without his antics."

"I moved to a town with another MC owning it. How does that make things different from Dad's territory?"

Aunt Wren cocked her head. "Cress runs Stanwood, but he leaves you alone if you don't cause trouble. You caused a mound of it!"

"You told me I caused trouble with my altercation with Cindy Lou!"

"Because girls like her enjoy running their mouths!"

"So, what? I'm supposed to stand by and let her bully me?"

"No, but it's better if you ignore her."

"Easier said than done. Cindy Lou kept harassing me because of him!" I pointed at Kendall.

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