Nice job, you knob

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After picking up Nova and laying her on the couch, I rubbed my face in frustration.

"Nice job, you knob. You killed her," Ares said.

I glared at Ares.

"Nova isn't dead. She knocked herself out," Gael said.

I was starting to lose my patience with Ares and Gael.

"We need to call Wren," Gael said.

"If you call Wren, she'll call Hawk," Ares said.

"It's better than nothing. And right now, we got nothing." Gael shrugged.  "Cress is going to kill us."

"Correction. Cress is going to kill Kendall. We get to watch."

Yep, my patience dissipated with Ares and Gael.

While they discussed my dad hurting me, someone arrived at the house.

"What in the world is going on in here? And why is my house a mess?" Wren asked.

We turned to Wren in shorts.

Wren noticed our attire and rolled her eyes. "Tell me you did not just burst into my house."

"Okay, we won't," Gael said.

Ares smacked Gael upside his head. "We didn't. Kendall did."

Wren pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "Why?"

"Oh, numbnuts here thought it would be a swell idea to hunt Nova down." Ares thumbed at me.

Wren stalked toward me. "And why would you think that's a good idea?"

"Why do you think?" I asked.

"Kendall, she doesn't know yet because we haven't told her."

"But she will figure it out."

"We needed Nova acclimated before she found out. Hawk sent her here for a reason."

"How long were you planning on keeping this from her?

"Long enough to tell her the truth. But you fucked that up with your bullshit."

I released a low growl.

"Don't even growl at me. I won't hesitate to knock your ass out with wolfsbane." Wren walked over to Nova to check on her. "Now, get out of here before Nova wakes up."

Ares, Gael, and I left. I didn't like it, but I still left.


Did you ever have the weirdest dream? So have I, except mine had a big hairy beast trying to eat me. Wait. That wasn't a dream. I did have a big, hairy beast trying to eat me.

My eyes popped open as I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Easy," Aunt Wren said. "You bumped your head." She handed me an ice pack before sitting beside me on the couch.

"I bumped my head because I had a big ass beast lunge at me."

"Welcome to Stanwood." Aunt Wren shrugged with a smile.

"So, I wasn't imagining things?" I scrunched my face and cocked my head.

"Nova, we need to talk." Aunt Wren gave me a sheepish smile.

Why didn't I like the sound of that?

I need to stop asking rhetorical questions. They get me nowhere.

I sat on the couch and stared at Aunt Wren as she told me a story about werewolves. Oh, and it involved my family, Kendall's family, and the MCs. I waited until Aunt Wren finished her story before giving her my response.

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