Life is just one hairy nightmare

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Most people would say life is a fairytale. Not mine. Mine turned into a hairy nightmare. Literally.

After everyone's botched attempt to explain that we're hairy beasts, I trudged up the stairs to my bedroom to read about werewolves. I grabbed my laptop from the case, booted it up, and searched for information on werewolves.

All I got was these ridiculous stories about werewolves rejecting their mates because another bitch wanted to interfere with the mates. What is wrong with these girls? Why do you need to cause problems? Better yet, why doesn't the true mate deck the bitch?

I needed to log out of these stories because they weren't helping. So, I turned to the good old trusty internet to gather misinformation.

Google is not my friend when it comes to information about werewolves. It kept showing me werewolf stories. So, I clicked on one, hoping it would give me some idea of what to expect.

The human shifts into a big, hairy beast. Check. The transformation from human to big hairy beast hurts. Check. Fated mates from an imaginary woman. Check. Some stupid bitch is trying to cause problems for the fated mate. Check.

Well, I'm screwed. Thanks a lot, Dad.

The following morning, I dragged my ass out of bed, showered, and tossed on black jeans, a rock band tee shirt, and my Skechers. I threw my mop of hair up in a clip, too lazy to bother with it.

Can you blame me after last night?

I came downstairs and sat at the table while Aunt Wren served me a Belgian waffle with fruit. I raised my brows at Aunt Wren's attempt to butter me up.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"Considering my dad, family, and this town are big hairy beasts, fine. Why? Do you feel guilty for keeping the truth from me?"

"Nova, we wanted to wait until you were old enough to understand about us being werewolves. It's not something you drop on someone."

"Oh, you mean like last night?" I arched my brow.

"Okay, poor example." Aunt Wren rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'm trying to wrap my head around this whole scenario. But I have a question."


"If Kendall is my mate, does that mean he cheated on me with Cindy Lou?"

Aunt Wren opened her mouth and closed it a billion times while knitting her brows.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." I shoved the plate away and left for school.

Not only did my family lie to me, but my stupid mate is a lying, cheating bastard. That made me not want anything to do with Ken doll.

I arrived at school, as Riley and Gianna met me at the entrance. "Can I help you?"

"Nope, but we can help you," Riley said.

"Aren't you Ken Doll's sister?"

Riley snickered. "Yeah, his twin sister."

"So, how will you help me since Ken Doll is the enemy?"

"Kendall isn't that bad."

"Says the twin sister."

Riley rolled her eyes. "Don't get me wrong. Kendall is a pain in the ass. But he protects the people he cares about."

"Plus, we heard you're Kendall's mate," Gianna said.

"Great. Who else did that stupid mutt tell?" I asked.

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