The bad boy

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Ares, Gael, and I drove away from Wren's house as our bikes roared down the street. It's not every day you come across a petite fireball with silver hair. I wonder if it was real or a dye job. The girls around here had brown, black, blonde, or red hair. Not one girl had silver hair, not one.

We pulled up to my house, dropped the kickstands, and dismounted our bikes before heading inside. I plopped into a chair and tossed my boots on the coffee table before crossing my ankles. Ares and Gael plopped down on the couch.

Riley and Gianna strolled into the room and sat on the other sofa—hail, Hail, the gangs all here.

"What's up with you, idiots?" Riley asked.

"Can't you greet us a little nicer?" Ares asked.

"It's not my fault you are an idiot. You were born that way." Riley shrugged.

Ares glared at Riley as I watched them argue. I warned Riley not to get involved with Ares, but she didn't listen. When she caught him fucking a club girl, I thought for sure she would stab him a billion times.

Gael avoided that situation by keeping Gianna at arm's length. I didn't mess with the club girls. They were too much of a fucking headache for me. They're always causing shit.

After listening to the bullshit, I checked out to my bedroom. Riley and Ares were giving me a fucking headache with their bickering. Ares shouldn't have fucked that hoe.

I crawled into bed and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling. My old man threatened to chop off my nuts if I didn't graduate high school. He didn't need an idiot for a son—his words, not mine. It's not like I don't get straight A's. Riley and I compete with our grades since we're twins and have been this way our entire lives.

The door opened as Mom poked her head inside. "Why are you here and not with the others?"

I glanced at my mom with my hands behind my head. "Are they tearing shit up?"

Mom opened the door wider and entered with her arms folded. "No, but your sister looks like she wants to stab Area in the dick."

"Let her. Ares shouldn't have fucked that club whore."

Mom raised a brow. "You remind me of your father."

"You make it sound like Dad is dead."

"Your dad had wished he was dead after he kicked me out when I told him I was pregnant."

I propped myself up on my forearms. "Why would Dad kick you out?"

"Why does your dad do half the shit he does? He's a stupid man. He thought I would come crawling back to him with a few sweet words. I smacked him with a poker."

My parents have a strange relationship. Dad does stupid shit and pisses off Mom. Mom retaliates and hits Dad with a blunt object.

"I heard a new girl moved to town," Mom mentioned.

"It's Wren's niece. Met her when we stopped by Wren's place."

"Don't get any bright ideas with Wren's niece."


"I know you, Kendall. You play around with girls but don't commit to them."

"Girls know what they get with me." I shrugged.

"That's the problem. They know what they get. Don't act like your father."

I raised a brow since my dad gets his ass in a sling with my mom countless times.

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