Ladies and gents, I give you my stupid mate

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Dad dragged me inside the house where Cress, my stupid mate, and Aunt Wren were waiting for me.

"We need to work out this issue before the humans find out and cause me problems." Cress gave me a stern expression. "I don't like problems if you catch my drift."

"Then tell your stupid son to piss off," I said.

Cress crossed his arms as his beard hung over his chest. If Cress wasn't a big, scary guy, he could pass as Santa Claus. "And why would I do that?"

"Ask the stupid mutt who he was sucking faces with today!" I pointed at Kendall before flipping him off.

Kendall balled his fists and growled at me.

Cress snapped his head to Kendall. "Don't tell me it's that stupid bitch."

Kendall stopped growling, looked at Cress, and blinked.

"You're a dumbfuck! I told you to stay away from that stupid bitch!"

Kendall opened his mouth.

"Don't." A growl came from Cress.

Kendall snapped his mouth shut.

"I will take care of this issue. You work your shit out with your mate before I shoot your stupid ass." Cress left the house pissed off all to high heaven.

Good luck, Cindy Lou. You stupid twat.

As for Kendall, I walked past him and ran upstairs to my bedroom. He can kiss my furry silver ass if he thinks I will submit to him.


I climbed on my bike, drove to Chet Wellington's place, and pulled up. I dropped my kickstand and thumped on the front door. When Chet opened the door, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the outside of the house. Chet's face turned purple as he grabbed at my hand.

I leaned into Chet. "Tell that bitch if a daughter to stay away from Kendall."

"C-Cress," Chet gasped.

I tolerated her bullshit long enough. If she keeps up her bullshit, I will rip her apart. Do I make myself clear?"

Chet gasped and clawed at my hand.

"You didn't answer me yet." I released a low growl.

Chet's eyes bulged as he gasped. "Yes."

I released Chet. He dropped to the porch with a thud, rubbed his neck, and coughed. Cynthia appeared in the doorway. Before she could run, I grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head to me.

"Scream, and I will rip out your throat. Listen to me because I will say this once. Stay away from Kendall and Nova. If you don't, I will enjoy you for lunch." My canines extended, and my eyes flashed black as Cynthia whimpered and nodded. I threw her across the porch before climbing onto my bike and leaving.

Kendall needs to get his shit together before I shoot his stupid ass.


I started after Nova when someone growled. I stopped and looked at Hawk.

Hawk shook his head and pushed his tongue past his lips. "I wouldn't take another step if you don't want me to beat the fuck out of you."

I balled my fists and clenched my jaw. "I need to see Nova."

"Not if you want to continue to breathe. That's my pup you messed with. I'm quite protective of her, as you can see. Sit your ass down so we can chat."

I begrudgingly sat on the couch while Hawk sat in a chair and stared at me. Wren disappeared into the kitchen. Thanks for the backup, Wren.

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