Ladies and gents, I give you teenager mentality

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The following morning, I showered, dressed, and tried to make my hair look somewhat presentable. It's hard when you have long silver hair that reaches the middle of your back. I should make an appointment to chop it since it's been a while. But I hate when beauticians question the color. Everyone assumes I dye it. I don't. God blessed me with silver hair, making me a granny.

No one in my family has silver hair. So, it makes me an anomaly. I didn't mind since I stood out from others. No one could confuse me with a random girl. Can you imagine a guy explaining he mistook another girl for you after you caught him with another girl? Not happening in this lifetime.

After dealing with this mop of hair, I threw it into a ponytail. Note to self. Have Aunt Wren make an appointment at a salon.

I came downstairs to the smell of breakfast and plopped my butt in a chair at the kitchen table. Aunt Wren placed a plate of food before me before grabbing her plate and joining me. I dug into the delicious food since Aunt Wren was a fantastic cook.

"I won't be home when school ends. We're shorthanded at the restaurant," Aunt Wren said.

"Does the restaurant have any openings for a server?"

Wren glanced at me. "Your dad would have a shit fit if he discovered you working."

"Even more reason for me to work." I smirked.

"Nova, I know your dad's role as a Prez MC irks you, but he does keep the town in check."

"That's not what irks me. It's the club girls who walk around flaunting their goods. A hoe attacks me while my dad is getting his rocks off. Is that fair to you?" I cocked my head at Aunt Wren.

"No, and I gave Hawk hell for his lack of judgment. Dad had a specific rule at the clubhouse when we were there. No club girls allowed. If a brother wanted to hook up with a girl, he needed to take it elsewhere. Hopefully, your dad gets the point."

"Doubtful, but one could hope."

We finished breakfast before leaving. Aunt Wren dropped me off at the school entrance. Luckily, the town was small, so I didn't need to memorize the way back to Aunt Wren's house. But I would need money for a car so I didn't have to walk. Yeah, I'm lazy. I'll admit it.

I pushed open the entry door as people stopped and stared at me. You would think they never saw a new person before. Nothing to see here, folks. Just a girl needing her class schedule, locker number and comb, and a map.

Lucky for me, the front office was near the entrance. I didn't need to worry about some dickhead trying to show me around and giving them a reason to talk to me. Yeah, I knew the score.

Oh, look. The new girl is lost. I'll be nice and show her around so I can ask her out. Pft. I'm a competent person at showing myself around.

I approached the counter and set the paperwork down.

A lady in her forties glanced at me. "Can I help you?"

"I'm new, and this is my paperwork." I slid the forms toward the lady.

She took them and read through them. "Ah, yes. Wren mentioned her niece was attending school this year."

"Does everyone know my aunt?"

"When it's a small town, yes." The woman bobbed her head.

"Okay, cool. Can I have my schedule so I can avoid everyone?"

The woman stared at me and blinked.

"I'm here to learn, not have everyone stare at me like a freak show. So, a schedule would help."

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