Dealing with the mean girl, bad boy, and other stupid people

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When I came here to stay with Aunt Wren, I figured I would finish high school without issues. Nope, I have a ton of issues, and it's only the first day.

Kendall set his sights on me. Why? Cindy keeps throwing around useless threats. Again why? Now, I'm stuck in the gym glass with people staring at me.

Oh, and both Cindy and the bad boys are in the same damn class. I tried to skip this class, but PE is a requirement for graduation.

The gym teacher handed out gym clothes to us. I took them begrudgingly. Couldn't I feign a period that would last all year? It's a doable excuse.

"Since high school requires this class for you to graduate, I expect participation. If you don't participate, you fail," the teacher said.

Well, obviously. How the hell do people fail gym class? It's the easiest class to do. You show up and move your ass.

"Now, find an activity to do for today. Tomorrow, we're doing laps on the track."

I stored my gym clothes in a locker before wandering around the gymnasium. I grabbed a basketball and started dribbling before shooting a basket. I took different shots as people stopped and watched me.

Dad had set up a basketball net and played horse with me before we would face off in a game. It was one of the few times he wasn't the president of the MC and just my dad.

The basketball swooshed through the net every time I threw it. Even the harder throws made it through the net. Hmm, I can still land a basket.

Before I had a chance to reclaim the ball, someone snagged it from me. I glanced at Kendall as he dribbled the ball.

"How about a friendly game?" He asked me.

"How about you finish your question since there's more?" I arched my brow.

"We'll bet a little wager. If I win, you have to go on a date with me. If you win, I won't bother you anymore." He spun the ball on his middle finger.

"Fine." I shrugged. "I like a good challenge."

"So do I, Nova Scotia." He smirked.

"How many points?"

"Five. I'll even spot you three."

"You have high hopes, don't you?"

"We'll see. You take the ball first." Kendall threw the ball at me.

I caught it and faced off with him. We played against each other until we tied at four points. I had the ball and faked left and right before shooting it.

Kendall blocked it and shot it, landing it in the basket. He grabbed it and walked toward me. "I guess you owe me a date."

"Fine, but a date consists of dinner and something fun. Not sure what's there to do for around here, but something."

"Oh, trust me. I can find many fun things to do."

"We'll see." I snatched the ball from Kendall and threw it, landing it into the basket without a net.

Kendall glanced at the net, then at me as he narrowed his eyes. I turned and strolled away, leaving him to wonder if he had won fair and square.


Nova landed a basket without a net before walking away. Why does it feel like she let me win this wager?

Ares and Gael approached me.

"I'm confused. Nova made a basket without a net. How the hell did you beat her?" Ares asked me.

"Nova did that shit on purpose," I said with my hands on my waist.

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