Chapter 131: The Fresh Meat

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The wind was blowing softly in the sky, Y/N had just finished doing some paperwork and went to the roof to sit on the benches there. Enjoying the cool breeze of early winter, he smiled at the peaceful air that flowed into his nose. His life was just great, looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky, Y/N was serenity.

Alexi: My lord?

Y/N: Hmmmm? *realizes* OH! Alexi! Hi

Alexi: Just wanted to check up on you my lord, you're just sitting still there

Y/N: Yeah *stretches* Just enjoying the scenery that I fought well for

Alexi: Heh, may I sir?

Y/N: Go ahead Lexi

Alexi then took a seat next to Y/N. Alexi has been Y/N's orderly and second in charge ever since the kidnapping incident. Alexi earned Y/N's trust immediately. 

Alexi: Fresh batch of cadet just joined in

Y/N: Oh? Which intake was it again?

Alexi: Ummm after the seize in intake for a few years for restoration and also under the Queen's orders, this is the 110th intake

Y/N: Alright then. *tilt head back and closes my eyes* How times have passed... *stands up* Welp, I'm going the my dorm to have nap

Alexi: Heh, you sound like an old man. You need your afternoon nap sir?

Y/N: Suck my dick from left to right man

Walking away, Y/N entered his dorm and lay down, the bed was soft made with the best materials, since it belonged in the palace. Falling into slumber, Y/N breathe a relaxing air but a weird one without his family, without his beloved Mikasa. Deep sleep reaches, Y/N was sound asleep.


















After a while, Y/N felt a nudge and woke up, taking the insanely deep breath in that people take every morning as a sign of consciousness, Y/N sat up tired, with the sun glaring on his E/C eyes, his shoulder length wavy hair tickled his nose. With annoyance, he pulled back his hair and struggles to keep his eye opened.

Victor: Why do you always look like you want to punch someone every you wake up?

Y/N: *one deep breath in* Hm?

Victor: Heh *sat on the edge of the bed* did you even sleep?

Y/N: *stares at Victor while squinting* ....... HM?!

Victor: *gets annoyed* Really Jaeger?

Y/N: *groans while talking and wipes eye* I woke up in the middle of the night, took a walk near the pond, until I make myself tired.

Victor: Really? Because I was at the pond too, I didn't see you, unless you are in some bush sucking Shadis' dick

Y/N: Funny *drags while groaning, then sniffs once* You were in the wrong area then

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