Chapter 72: Into The Fire, Part 2

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Y/N pov

After we reached to ground floor, Sam and I regrouped with the rest at the corridor.

Y/N: Sam, Shadow, the dock, now!

Sam: On it my lord

Shadow: Got it Cy- I mean Y/N.

Y/N: Ernst, Vasili, on me, we're clearing the civilians first, shoot every Marley on sight.

Ernst: *throws peaked cap* Yes sir.

Vasili: *throws peaked cap* With pleasure.

Sam pov

Sam: uhhhhAHHHHHH! *jumps on the side of the wall of the building and dropped kicks two Marley soldiers and did a front roll*

Shadow: *ran pass Sam and slide on the floor on his knees* incoming, *grab the legs of two Marley dropping them*

When we both stood up, we took out their pistol and in sync shot the four on the floor. I then ran pass Shadow but not before patting his back. We ran to the dock and hid on behind the a stall and saw something amazing. Marley ships blowing up left to right.

 Mary pov

Mary: Lads, let's show these Marley bastard what we can do!!!

All of the pirates cheered and our four main ships, carrying the short range cannons, moves forward first.

Marley Captain #1: Pirate ships, their cannon can barely do any damage, let them have the first shot.

Mary, Blackbeard, Vane & Jones: Ready the port broadside! On my order! 

All of us then turn our ship to the portside.

Mary: Fire!
Blackbeard: Fiya!
Vane: FIEYA! *laughs maniacally*
Jones: FIRE!!!!!

After every 2 cannonball, there was one short range cannon shot once. It caught the Marley in surprise. The short range were firing continuously non-stop and the Marley tried to fire back, but the atmosphere was blocked by other sail ship getting in position and firing blank, creating a smokescreen. Then suddenly a louder cannon was shot.

Yamato pov

I ordered only my ship to move forward and were in the narrow path of the pirates, smokescreens were created to our favor, after passing by Mary's ship, I opened fire on Marley ships, I then spot Mary, when she saw me she smiled and did an Eldian salute. I did the Eldian salute in return, and it was just my ship against the entire Marley ship stocked up near the dock.

Mary: All hands release the sails! hoist the colours! We are preparing to board!

Hizuru sailor #1: Admiral?

Yamato: All Cannon Fire on the ships.

My ship, the biggest one in Hizuru, named after me, carrying 9 barrels of 460mm cannons on the bow and 9 on the stern, tilting my ship 30 degrees will allow the full fire power of my beast. Every three seconds, a cannon fire can be heard, short range cannon were fired by sailors on the the top deck.

Yamato: Remind all ships to spread out and take out those who slipped pass us!

Hizuru radioman #1: Yes Admiral, *speaks to the radio*

Yamato: Tell the eldians to move in now.

Hizuru radioman #2: Yes Admiral, Taicho to Fenrir destroyer 2, repeat, Taicho to Fenrir destroyer 2 acknowledge.

Marley Defector #1: Fenrir Destroyer 2 acknowledging.

Hizuru radioman #2: You are clear to commence the invasion!

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