Area 51: The Chapter of Fenrir

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Y/N pov

After we returned to Mitras, the scouts had the hero's return they need, Bertholdt was limited to Utopia for the time being, as the higher officials still has doubts on him, to my luck, Bertholdt was understanding. However the fucking court is still being a bitch about it, it has been two weeks of useless court sessions.

Darius: Section Commander Y/N, it is not that we don't trust it the fact that we have to forgive everything the colossal titan did-

Y/N: *rubbing forehead* I did not say to forgive him, I said to trust him. We need all the help we can get, and there is more to the world than just the walls, we just learned that civilization exists outside the walls, and far more advance than us, Bertholdt and Annie are the two that has the information, can you all stop being paranoid for once and just accept every help given to us?

Nile: Section Commander Y/N you have done a lot for us, your honor, I agree with Y/N, this court session is useless, we need all the help we can get.

Erwin: As I offered again, Bertholdt and Annie shall be under the protection of the Hidden Wall Brotherhood and the Scout Regiments.

Darius: *sighs* Very well, since there are no opposition, I call for the court session adjourned, Bertholdt is free, so is his friend.

 Y/N: *smacks hand on railing* THANK YOU! Get him out of those chains.

Mason: Yes my lord.

Bertholdt: *after being released and outside of Mitras court* Thank you Section Commander.

Y/N: Don't mention it.

Bertholdt: Reiner and I missed a lot when we were gone.

Y/N: Did I tell you everything that happened 4 months ago?

Bertholdt: Yep, so you are magical?

Y/N: Basically. You know Hange called you, me, Erwin, and Miche. The tree squad.

Bertholdt: Because we are tall?

Y/N: Yep. 

Mikasa: Y/N! *hugs and peck each other lips*

Eren and Armin approaches us, after that we went and ride out to Utopia to meet up with Levi and Hange, to free Annie.

Y/N: Armin, you look nervous

Armin: Of course I'm nervous, will Annie be on our side?

Y/N: *sighs* You like her do you?

Armin: EH!? N- no! I don- Yes.

Y/N: *smiles* Looks like everyone has someone.

Bertholdt: Not me.

Y/N: Oops

Bertholdt: Meh, I am focusing on redeeming myself first, so I don't mind.... wait Eren has someone?

Y/N: The Queen.

Bertholdt: KRISTA!?

Y/N: Umm-

Bertholdt: Oh wait, Historia, sorry I am still adapting to this.

Y/N: We all are.

As we reach Utopia, we went straight to the field to see Annie's crystal, and three soldiers, Hitch, Levi and Hange.

Y/N: Bertholdt, don't blow us up. 

Bertholdt: Right *alights and run far into the empty field and bit his hand*

The explosion he created were much lesser than during the battle in Shiganshina. He slowly places his foot onto the crystal and it cracks little, after it got to close to Annie, I yelled

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