Chapter 100: The Redemption

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Y/N pov

I woke up in an empty field puddle that is about a half a foot deep, I sat up and looked at my hands, they were smaller than I remember. I then remember what happened.

Y/N: *high-pitched* Mikasa! Huh!? *feels throat* Who am I?

Frodae: *thick Scandinavian accent* You are still Y/N, only younger

Y/N: Woah! Who are you? *defense stance*

Frodae: My name is Frodae Fenrir, Ze Ulfroegni

Y/N: What?

 Frodae: Wolfspeaker.

Y/N: Wolfspeaker... You're Eden's father... Alfadhir? (Al-fad-dir, Allfather)

Frodae: Indeed I am, and in your tongue, allfather.

Y/N: Where am I?

Frodae: I haven't had a name for it.

Y/N: You live alone?

Frodae: No, the spirit of the wolves are around us, they filled us, my daughter speak of you, your spirit *poking Y/N's chest* are of the wolves. 

Y/N: Am I dead?

Frodae: *shakes head* Your grandniece have saved you.

Y/N: Allfather, have I lost my attributes?

Frodae: The power that my daughter receives? *nods* Why else are you here?

Y/N: So... I'm useless now huh?

Frodae: Who says you are?

Y/N: I relied on my attributes in my fi- *dodges an "attack" from behind* wait.. what attacked me?

Frodae: Your, prediction, can only do much, your senses is another thing. 

Y/N: *confusion* Allfather?

Frodae: Close your eyes, kneel down, let your hands feel the surrounding. 

Y/N: Why?

Frodae: *smiles* the mark of a wolf, feel your surrounding, know your terrain

I kneeled down and place both my hand into the water and unto the ground, I took a a deep breath in and breathed out. I can feel feet, more than a million, smaller than any human's. 

Frodae: Do you feel them?

Y/n: Yes.

Frodae: Open... your eyes! *pressed his thumb onto Y/N's head, forces Y/N to look up* 

My eyes opened and instead of feeling a burning sensation, all I could feel was ice and coldness. Allfather then pushed my forehead till I dropped on my back. 

Y/N: *normal voice* Allfather? My voice!

Then, out of nowhere a wolf came in my view and straight up licked my face chin to forehead. I rolled to the right and stood up, I forgot how tall I was and gave myself a scare. I looked forward to meet with a forest filled with wolves and pillars. I looked around and looked back at Frodae.

Frodae: *nods slowly* Welcome to Valhalla. 

Y/N: I was expecting Valhalla to be scary and you know, filled with war?

Frodae: *chuckles* It use to be.

Y/N: These wolves...

Frodae: They are my protectors, now they are of you allegiance.

Y/N: Am I worthy?

Frodae: Let's find out, return! 

A wolf lunged at me and I woke up in the infirmary, and breathed heavily.

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