Chapter 120: The Author

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Walking down a dirt pathway that leads to a cliffside, Y/N walked with both fear and confusion, upon reaching the end of the cliff he saw a person standing on the edge of the cliff, Y/N decided to walk next to him, but before executing a conversation, he took a deep breath and enjoyed the view of the ocean. After a minute or two he turned to look at the person

Y/N: Hey

A/N: Hm? Oh hi, didn't expect you to visit

Y/N: I didn't expect to be here...

The cold wind gushes through their hairs and the cool breeze was adding to the aesthetics.

Y/N: Are you okay? You haven't released a chapter yet

A/N: This is a chapter

Y/N: Really? Because it's just us

A/N: Yeah I... I lost a bet to someone and she decided my punishment would be to make chapter 120 an author's chapter

Y/N: Oh, why 120

A/N: Because that's her favourite number

Y/N: Fuck off

A/N: Heh, yeah I'm lying, she just call dibs on 120.

Y/N: Uh huh... she sound like a person who has a great impact on you

A/N: Yeah she does, for 6 years... She carries the name of your first lover

Y/N: Mary Sergeyevich?

A/N: Ding ding

Y/N: Oh, was she your-

A/N: Nope, although she did had a crush on me

Y/N: *looking at A/N up and down*... You sure?

A/N: I will kill off Mikasa

Y/N: Oop sorry... Was she like your sister?

A/N: Yeah, she is the only one that knows almost everything about me, from my favourite colours, to my deepest darkest secret. 

Y/N: You two sound like a great couple

A/N: Couple of hooligans

Y/N: *chuckles* Would you have dated her if she was alive?

A/N: No

Y/N: What? Why?

A/N: Because I know her deepest darkest secret.

Y/N: Oh come on, how can it be worse than yours- *A/N whispers to Y/N* .... I take it back, you could have died

A/N: Yeap.... 

Y/N: Tell me honestly what was chapter 120 suppose to be

A/N: Comedic, where you and your family meet me and Mary

Y/N: *chuckles* The look on Mikasa's face would have been funny to see

A/N: Yeah especially since, the Mary I know won't stop flirting

Y/N: *chuckling* Must have been a nightmare for you

A/N: Yeah part of me still likes it though,

Y/N: *laughing* 

A/N: You know 1/3 of my life.... is just... gone

Y/N: Hm, does she made you promise on something as her last will?

A/N: To stay alive and not kill myself and another reason.

Y/N: Ahhhhh looks like she does love you

A/N: Hey Y/N

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