Chapter 76: Into The Fire, Part 6

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Y/N pov

Today was 2nd April 851, 0500h, the scouts were in their armory wearing their old uniform, with the ammo straps instead of ODM gear.

Levi: Tch, who's idea was this?

Y/N: Mine and Erwin's, we are fighting near the desert after all, So the brown almost matches the surrounding.

Levi: Why are you wearing the wings of freedom?

Y/N: This is where I belong, with my friends and family.

Sam: *walks in* Wings Of Freedom huh?

Y/N: Yeah, you're wearing the new standard issue?

Sam: Yeah, the Marley Shock Trooper is history, so why not?

Ernst: I have to say this Eldians clothes are more comfortable.

Vasili: You think we can visit your home Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah I would be delighted to have you all as my guest in the manor.

Ernst: Oh a manor

Vasili: Very classy.... I've always wanted to see Paradis Island.

Ernst: We used to hate them

Vasili: Yeah but doesn't mean I don't want to travel to other nation.

As small argument continued, not wanting to hear another rant, Levi started a conversation.

Levi: It's nice of you to forbid, Petra from coming.

Y/N: I forbid you too, and Miche, and Nanaba..... and Hannes.

Levi: I don't take orders from you.

Y/N: Whatever.

After another 20 minutes of changing into our uniforms, Oba came up to me.

Oba: Prince Y/N, *shakes Y/N's hand* Our cannon are near enough to give a good long range artillery support.

Y/N: Thank you General Oba.

Oba: Freedom for Eldia *Eldian salute*

Y/N: *chuckles* Freedom for Eldia *Eldian salute*

We all decided on wave attacks. To not cause overcrowding at the raid, only the first two companies each from both Hizuru and Eldians are sent in first, which is around 800 soldiers. We dubbed it Operation Raining Hellfire. It was not the most strategic plan of attack, but it is what we have to go for if we want to end this quickly, Annie and Eren were given permission to transform. Pieck and Bertholdt were to stay in Liberio with the defense company, led by Rico. Levi, Hange, Connie, Sasha and Jean were in the second wave. Mason and the rest were all in trucks, while Me, Issei and Shadow were in a jeep, with a radioman called Kitani.

Issei: Looks like this war has turned into your favor?

Y/N: So far, if we end this quickly, the more we are free.

Issei: Indeed, how do you like the Banzai charge?

Shadow: Is that what your war cry is?

Issei: Yes it is.

Y/N: I was in awe.

Issei: I heard yours, screaming out "devote your heart" you Eldians are no different from us. We will all die if it means winning.

Y/N: Yeah.

About an hour later into the desert leading towards Marley Capital, we heard a whistle and I turned the steering wheel for the jeep to the left, and sure enough a cannon round blew up next to us, our jeep was drifting badly and we all jumped out, the trucks stop and without any orders, all of the soldiers jumps out, Hizuru first, and charge forward.

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